
Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 Here's a still life moment from the desk in the foyer at the farm.  I find it fascinating to capture a section and realize what each item is and how it's connected to our lives.  We'll start doing this on occasion...

The flowers are a paper flower bunch that my Mom got once on a trip.  She loved them and so do we.  They are so delicate looking (and honestly, kind of realistic).  We put them in a small vase with some clear marbles and it just adds a bit of life and color.

The wooden chalice/cup - my Dad made that when he was learning to turn wood (he had just started that before he passed).  He gave it to 2nd Man as a gift.

The quartz crystal - the obvious item in the picture is the quartz crystal.  That's mine.  Can't even remember where I got it, I think maybe Arkansas a long time ago when I was little.  I have always loved crystals and this has been one of my favorites.

Pyrite - Yep, the sparkly gold in the foreground is called "pyrite" or more commonly known as "fools gold". 2nd Man and I got that on a trip.

Harmonica - Last but not least, there is the M. Hohner's Old StandBy harmonica.  Do I play?  No.  Does 2nd Man play?  No.  I got this after my Grandfather passed away, it was in a drawer in his desk.  I remember hearing from my Dad that Grandpa played it when he was in the military but I never remember hearing him do it while I was growing up.  Obviously if he kept it all this time, I felt I should keep it too.

Bits and pieces of lives lived...


  1. what a wonderful display of family memories and heirlooms.

  2. Memorable items of the heart ... wonderful!
    I, especially, like the quartz crystal cluster!

  3. What a wonderful memory table. Which in turn evoked a memory for me. My nephew was 17 when my father passed. My father was a harmonica player. My nephew asked for the harmonica. He learned to play it quite well and still has it and plays it at 54 years old. Perhaps someday it will be passed on to one of his sons.

  4. the wood cup is my fave. pleasant memories on that table.

  5. i love this post. all of your special things are displayed with such love. my dad played that same harmonica as well.

  6. I love your tabletop.
    My dad had a selection of harmonicas. Two days before he died he played for one final family performance. We heard a little Beethoven, Chopin, and Sousa. He always ended with a march. All three of my sons have at least one of his harmonicas now.

  7. I love your memories so artfully displayed. This way, you are both connected with your past every day.

  8. I love this. What a beautiful display of meaningful objects. Each one has a wonderful story and a connection to cherished loved ones and experiences.

  9. I thought the flowers were real. They're beautiful, as is the entire arrangement in the photo.


  10. Very nice bits and pieces. I was wondering just what those flowers were and were you had "picked" them this time of the year. Even here, it's too cold for such things.

  11. You will have to learn how to play the harmonica.
    I have quartz crystals just like that also from Arkansas. Purchased on our cross country trip. We made a point of stopping in Arkansas to see the Lum and Abner Museum.

  12. I agree, lovely display. And I too love that crystal. Beautiful.

    I have an old travel trunk full of just gorgeous, totally realistic "silk" flowers that My mom had collected over the years. When we had to move mom to assisted living I used to take an arrangement I'd put together, and take one home, then do the same next visit so she always had "fresh" arrangements. Once we get our new house built on the farm here I'll be doing the same thing with them. But for now, they were cleaned doing the salt in a paper bag method.

    I love that those flowers were your mom's.


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