
Monday, February 8, 2021


So the weather was dry all week (a bit of rain Friday but not at the farm) and "R" was back in town.  I tried it before calling him just to see if the Zen Machine would move without assistance...nope.

So I called him and said "please help!", ha.  

This is "R" from 2nd Family...from the back.  He brought over his "Bad Boy" mower.  Side note, I've heard him say that before and I thought it was just his version of saying "Zen Machine".

Didn't realize it was an actual brand name, ha!

Anyway, he and and I decided the best bet was to lift it from its muddy trap.  One of us on each side of the front, we lifted it and moved it over a foot or so.  Then we went to the back end and lifted it over the same amount.  That put it back on (semi)solid ground.  He attached a rope to the front end and I started it up.

He pulled until the rope was tight and then I gave it some gas and it moved right out.  YAY!  Literally took about ten minutes of actual work.  Here it is after I drove it to the safety of the "normal" trail...

...and this is where it was bogged down and sat for a week.  You can see how deep down it was and how the ground had dried around it.  The reason it wouldn't move on its own was because it was high centered and that's why we moved it over a bit to get it up and out of the muddy impressions.  Just needed the extra muscle!

Here it is, a little worse for wear but standing strong once again, ha.  The board is from trying to unstick it last weekend.  I took it for a spin and ended up mowing the driveway, the front yard and the back around the fruit trees.


I hosed it off on the sides and the front and after I got it back in the shed I realized I missed the back tires.  Oh well, next weekend it will be picked up for its annual maintenance so I'll freshen it up before then.


  1. Glad you finally got it out of it's mud hole. Just needed a bit more horse power and lifted it up out of the mud and onto solid ground.
    We had our mower picked up Sat. It needed some maintenance that hubby wasn't able to do. First time in over 20 years that we had to have it picked up.
    We have cold front moving in this week with showers in forecast.
    Friday we are to have a high of 29 deg. and a low of 19. :{
    Enjoy your day & have a wonderful evening.

    1. Yep that was it just some extra horsepower and a bit of manpower, ha.

  2. You got stuck really deep! I know you were relieved that 2nd Family was around to kindly help you get it out. Glad that your Zen Machine is none the worse for its week-long Adventure into the Big Bad Bog.

    1. They were and always are so kind to help out. It was none the worse for wear, started up like a champ. Probably glad to be back inside now, ha.

  3. Sometimes, things take a man; sometimes you need two men! Well, I am glad it is back on solid ground.

  4. How awful to have The Zen Machine stuck, but not as bad (and embarrassing) as the time I got my car stuck in the mud in my backyard.


    1. Oops, yeah I bet that would be an OMG I'm so embarrassed moment.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I cut the grass at my brother’s farm during the summer. I generally use one of those big “Bad Boy” machines and on occasion have made the mistake of getting it stuck in a boggy spot. Luckily, Joe, my brother, is always good natured about bringing the four wheeler or Kabota mini truck to pull me out. I always feels a tad embarrassed though! I feel you pain. 😣

    1. "R" said he's gotten his stuck too. He said because the motor is not he back end it's heavy on the rear and easy to get bogged down. It's embarrassing though for sure. And then for months afterward we always drive so carefully...until enough time has passed and then we get careless again ha!


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