
Thursday, February 25, 2021


Recently we posted about COVID hitting close to home.  Most of those we mentioned have recovered, though some with lingering issues.  However I found out a few days ago that I lost one of them; the wife of my previous boss, whom I worked with side by side daily for the better part of fifteen years.  She successfully battled breast cancer more than ten years ago...

...and she fought hard with this too but in the end, she just could not come back from the virus.

She loved roses, these yellow roses are for her...

Then a dear coworker lost her Uncle to the virus (only 61, no underlying health issues).  As I was reading his obituary, I read a few lines in it that made me smile and I thought I'd share them with you:

"Later, he continued his passion of nurturing plants and trees and purchased a property...where he poured his soul into improving and perfecting the land.  He always had a garden much too large, but he insisted it was for anyone who needed it; it was for everyone."

You can probably guess why that struck a chord with us.  I can only hope that someday someone will say that about me and our garden and property.

This garden bounty is for him...

I remember early on in the pandemic a doctor or scientist said that by the time this is all said and done, almost everyone will know someone who has died of the virus.  We have lost a few customers at our office but losing her brings it close to home and just as my coworkers loss has come close to her.  COVID is so insidious in who it hurts and who it doesn't.

That's why it makes 2nd Man and I so hyper-vigilant to stay as safe as we can. 

Please, stay safe people...this isn't over...


  1. My mom passed away from Covid-19. She had it a week. I am sorry for your loss!!

    1. Oh Terri, sending you big hugs from us. You hang in there.

  2. Terri ... so sorry you lost your Mom.
    I just had the second shot this morning and glad to have them done for now.
    The number of losses is mind numbing!

    1. I know you'll feel much better. We haven't had our first yet, we're further down the list. Hope you go symptom free.

  3. I am so sorry. When the numbers become names it really hits home.

    1. Thank you, it does make it much closer and scarier.

  4. my condolences on your losses.

    last year we donated 33 cukes to our local food bank; our horticultural society is already advertising us to "grow one extra" for our area's hungry people.

    1. Thanks. I love the idea of "grow one extra". Great idea.

  5. i am so sorry to hear this. my son just got his first shot today and my daughter gets hers on tuesday the same day my husband gets his second one. i get my second on the 10th. i will breath a big sigh of relief after everyone has two. though we will all continue to be very careful for as long as we need to.

    1. Thanks, and I know you will be so relieved. Yes we must continue to be careful. Heck, the other night I was telling 2nd Man we might feel comfortable still wearing masks for a long time afterwards when in large crowds.

    2. Oddly enough, we both said the same re masks, especially indoors. We have both had our first jabs. Yes, sorry to hear about your friend. We lost a friend in December to Covid. It makes me SO mad to hear the theorists harping on about it being a hoax!

  6. Sad to say I think you are right about all of us being touched by Covid. Keep your chin up.

  7. Sadly we lost three friends in one week. It is just so horrid and even though I am fully inoculated, I am not changing the way I have been living.

  8. My friend Carol's 21-year-old great-granddaughter had COVID recently and is now blind in one eye, with the sight fading in the other eye. This is the first I've heard about blindness as a side effect. I hope it's reversible.


  9. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. You really get to know someone when you’ve worked with them for 15 years. Such a sad end for her. Covid is such a terrible disease.
    The excerpt from the obituary of your coworker’s uncle is beautiful. Yes, that part does sound like you.
    When my dad died, we wrote in his obituary how he loved his garden and loved sharing its produce with everyone. I even picked some vegetables from his garden and made a bountiful arrangement of them for display at his funeral. Then afterwards gave them away to his friends, just like Daddy would have done.

  10. My heart aches for you and your co-worker. What a time we live and die in today. My own younger sister (whom I just cannot think of as an old lady) is dying in Houston by inches from complications of this hideous plague. You are so right: everyone is losing someone they know and love, and we are all weeping the bitter and scalding tears of the bereft. Our loved ones die alone and all we can offer are prayers and thoughts. Are they enough? I don't know, but you all have mine.

  11. Thoughts & Prayers go out to them families and to all who have been infected in one way or another during these trying times.

    Dear Lord, we lift to You our concern for people who are more likely than others to become severely ill from COVID-19 — the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. Protect them from harm and be their comfort in this time of uncertainty and, for many, preventive isolation from loved ones.

  12. Watch, O Lord,
    with those who wake,
    or watch or weep tonight,
    and give your angels and saints
    charge over those who sleep.
    Tend your sick ones,
    Rest your weary ones,
    Soothe your suffering ones,
    And all for your love’s sake.

    -St. Augustine


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