
Tuesday, February 23, 2021


See yesterday's post for an update about the farm itself 'after' the freeze and I added an update to yesterday's post about the boil water notice.

These are 'during' the snow.  2nd Family was kind enough to send photos after we said they could send any pictures they wanted to venture out and take.

So here are a few they sent us to share:

This is the back for one of their outbuildings, icicles all along the top edge...

Footprints in the snow! They were walking down toward our part of the driveway...

This picture shows how deep it was.  Again, for people up North and East, don't laugh at us but this is definitely a HUGE event for us...

This is their front yard...

And this is our driveway...

And this is our front yard.

This is the angle we usually post from the front porch.  This was taken by the trail cam (not sure what triggered it, we think a bird).  While we're glad we were safe and warm here in town (well, to a point, ha) looking at this makes us sorry we missed seeing it in person as this might just be a once in a lifetime moment.  Setting aside the terrible outcome that all of this weather brought to the area and to the state, there is something so beautiful about a pure white fresh snowfall.  Peaceful and neat, almost like a clean slate.

We'll take Spring though.  Ready for it.  Not ready for our Summers but at least we're prepared for that.  We heard a guy on TV whose house had collapsed ceilings from broken pipes say something that kind of sums up what happened here:

"Our homes are built for Houston Summers, not Michigan Winters"...


  1. wow! we had another 5" of fresh snow yesterday. it better start melting soon; my snow plow guy has no place to put any more of the white stuff.

  2. That is a lot of snow for Alabama, too. I feel so sorry for all those people whose houses were collapsing inside because of water. Water is just about as unforgiving as fire.

  3. Beautiful snow pictures! 2nd Family took some great ones. And your trail cam took a really good one. It gives a different perspective than the usual green view we see from your porch.
    If only we could have had this beauty without all the destruction and misery that came with it.
    Sooo glad that it’s now sunny and warm. I am really looking forward to spring.

  4. It is lovely to look at - from inside with water, heat, and hot food. I'm afraid this may not a "once in a lifetime" event for you. Climate change is unforgiving. Take care....

  5. Wonderful photos.
    Con't fore see what Mother Natures bring so have no choice but to deal with; the good as well as the bad.
    I do like your trail cam shot; no tracks anywhere.

  6. Yes - homes and people are prepared for Houston summers not frozen northlands winter. Though - I'm not looking forward to summer. I'd like it to stay spring-ish until June. Positive thoughts!!


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