
Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Easter 2021 is in the books.

Better than last year, that's for sure.  Last year the world was a very dark place at this time.  2nd Man was unemployed.  I was working from home.  We had stocked up on food and supplies and didn't leave home for weeks at a time.  This year things are definitely looking better this time around.

I bought us these two Lindt bunnies, a milk chocolate one for 2nd Man and a white chocolate one for me.

And 2nd Man found this fun sign for me.  OK, so our truck doesn't look quite like this but hey, it's Easter!

We sort of have an annual Easter dinner tradition of ham, homemade mac and cheese and roasted broccolini.  It's such a great combination of flavors and it looks pretty nice on the plate, ha.

Hope you all had a great Easter holiday!


  1. spouse had ham, I had lasagna. we don't celebrate easter, but we did buy some local made chocolate eggs.

  2. Looks really good. We had lamb here.

  3. I had leftover beef & broccoli and a chicken wing from my favorite Chinese restaurant! Definitely not a typical Easter meal!

  4. i hate chocolate but i love white chocolate!

  5. Aww, I love those golden bunnies! It wouldn’t be Easter without chocolate bunnies!
    Really cute truck sign – good pick by 2nd Man!
    Mmm, your Easter meal looks delish! Beautiful color combination.


  7. 2nd man, you done good on that cute sign.
    Your dinner looks Delicious.

    There are times in our lives that we have to deal with the bad for us to appreciate the Good that much more.
    Having possible chance of severe storm moving in come tomorrow. I need to get some Canna's planted before the rain & storms move in.
    Have a great day and enjoy the weekend

  8. That is a pretty picture of the meal. I bought a centur cut ham slice. We had ham, sweet potato in the jacket, green bean casserole, and slaw. It was a pretty meal. And, delicious. Tommy had a milk chocolate Lindt Easter Bunny, too.

  9. I bought both daughter and husband each a bag of Reeses eggs and Starburst jelly beans. Easter dinner was ham, potaties, veg and crescent rolls followed by no bake cheese cake. We've tons of ham left most froze. Your plate does look terrific, and the signs adorable.

  10. We had a ham "dinner" with homemade garlic rolls and a really nice mixed salad with a citrus vinaigrette made with blood oranges. YUM. We always buy Cook's ham, cooking it with pineapple rings, basting it with Vernor's ginger ale. We like Cook's because they tend not to be quite as salty, but unfortunately, this was the exception. We've had leftover's in small amounts in scrambled eggs and some in scalloped potatoes which are both salt hungry foods, but we've frozen most of it as well as the bone to make some Northern bean soup in a few weeks.

    I love good white "chocolate." Growing up, my brother and I used to compete to see who could find the most hidden eggs on Easter morning, and the winner got a Sander's white chocolate bunny in addition to our regular Easter basket.

    Sander's stores went out of business several years back, though some limited items can still be found at Costco and Target and Kroger's. Lindt are a decent substitute. These days I'm partial to the Choceur chocolates at Aldi's, the "Slightly Salted Caramel" milk chocolate bars are fabulous.

    I'm a chocolate snob - very picky about my chocolate - and both Sander's and the Choceur at Aldi's are REALLY good.

  11. That's a lovely meal. I fixed ham, potatoes, homemade rolls, and a salad. I need some good macaroni and cheese. Blogs with photos of yummy food make me hungry.



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