
Friday, April 9, 2021


For our birthdays this year, we said we didn't need to exchange gifts because we considered the farm truck as our big present.  Since the truck will kind of be mine to drive most often, I couldn't let 2nd Man's day go by without a little SOMETHING for him.

For Christmas I had gotten him the pie pan and pizza pan so I decided to add to his collection and bought him the LODGE cast iron baking pan.  It's from their new line of baking cast iron.  This measures 10.5 x 15.5 inches and is about the size of a regular baking sheet.  Of course being cast iron, it is a bit heavier, so plan ahead accordingly.  No top shelf for these, ha.  When I saw this baking pan, the first thing I thought of was biscuits.  So the other day I said "can you make some of your biscuits on your new pan?"  He said sure!

So he made a batch (RECIPE HERE) to see how they would bake up on this new pan.  He had to keep an eye on them since this was all new

...they rose up and browned so much more evenly than on a standard aluminum baking sheet and came out to biscuit perfection!  Much like the Lodge pizza pan reviewed HERE this was just absolutely perfect for what we will most often do with it, biscuits!

Look at the bottom of these!  They are evenly colored, just as you'd want them and the pan was not greased, no parchment, no foil, no cooking spray, nothing...they were heavenly.  Even heating, no hot spots, no warping at high temperatures, it's very substantial and quality. 

This pan cooked just as well as any cast iron pan they make and cleaned up just as easily.  He's going to try cookies next.  Maybe a focaccia too.  Ironically we had planned on using the pizza pan for our biscuits and/or cookies but of course didn't know we'd own one of these pans.  So we'll save the pizza pan for pizza (or maybe a loaf of bread) while this has instantly become our new go to biscuit pan. 

Darn.  Now I want biscuits...
And sausage gravy...


  1. What an awesome baking pan which can be used for making any number of things in it.
    Them biscuit sure do look Yummy. Just right for some biscuit, sausage and or bacon, egg & cheese breakfast sandwiches.
    If by chance 2nd man is taking orders; how about some homemade cinnamon rolls? :}

    1. Better yet; think of the yummy pizzas that a person could make in that baking pan.
      Talking about food is making me hungry and I sure would love to have a breakfast biscuit sandwich right about now.

    2. LOL, I'll find out where he ships too, ha!!! Yes, some breakfast sandwiches would be good!!! Oh and cinnamon rolls too! And a deep dish pizza of sorts would be good.

  2. Those biscuits were crying out for some delicious sausage gravy on a couple of them and, at least one biscuit topped with butter and jam or even some honey!!

    1. Oh sausage gravy is coming soon on the next batch!! We did have butter and jam on these. So good.

  3. I can no longer lift anything that heavy and with food and bend over! But, I wish I had had one. Too bad this was not available before. Those biscuits look delicious.

    1. I hear ya, they do get heavy. The biscuits are always great, one of my favorite guilty pleasures that he makes.

  4. Replies
    1. Oh yes, we LOVE butter and honey on biscuits. So good.

  5. i have been teetering on the verge of buying this and you just pushed me over. i am ordering right away!

    1. For this pan of biscuits alone it was worth the price. I'm sure with focaccia or cookies or even a pizza, it will be great too.

  6. great present for the chef in your family!

    1. Thank you!! He was so excited. I always say it's a win/win. He's happy and excited and gets to cook and I get to eat the end result.

  7. What a lovely baker!! And those biscuits look marvelous dahling!! Oh do I want some ... but like PP above, I can't bend and lift like I used to ... and now of course, with diabetes my breads and biscuits are limited to maybe once a year ... but long ago, this would have been wonderful. Good for you for getting things like this while you are young and able to handle!!

    1. Thank you dahling!!!! :-). This like all cast iron does have weight to it, 2nd Man wants an oven that's a wall oven so he doesn't have to lean down so often. We're getting up there, ha. Hey if it's once or a few times a year, it makes them more wonderful and worth the wait.

  8. That’s a wonderful pan. The biscuits baked so beautifully. This will be perfect for so many things. Maybe for roasting your vegetables or for your sheet pan meals. I love cooking with cast iron.
    And it’s handy to have it when there’s no power and need to cook in the fireplace or on a wood stove or over a campfire.

    1. This was literally the first time using it for anything and they were just perfect. Oooh, never thought about that point but I know you have said that you were able mouse your cast iron during our power outage. Good reminder!

  9. I baked cookies this evening and I might just make some biscuits this weekend now that you've mentioned them. I've never had cast iron pans.


    1. You can't go wrong with some homemade biscuits. Hope you make some. Cast iron is so good to cook with.

  10. Following is actually a true story.
    When I was a young bride living in Iowa over 50 years ago. I decided to try my hand at making homemade biscuits along with some homemade bread. I was so proud of myself.........until they came out of the oven that is. Once the biscuits cooled down a bit hubby tried to eat one but no such luck. (wasn't even able to bite into it.) He dropped it on the flour and it would even crumble so threw them outside for the dog, of which he turned up his nose and walked away.
    Them darn biscuits where so hard that they could had been used as hockey pucks. No kidding; they where that hard.
    Over the years my baking and cooking have gotten much better. No more hockey pucks and no more loaves of bread that is only about an inch - 2 inches tall.

    It's all pretty funny now but as a young bride, I sat and cried my eyes out as I was so disappointed in myself for being such a failure.
    I have learned A Lot over the years, which goes to show; Never Give Up.

    1. Oh my gosh that's funny. I mean, at the time I'm sure it was horrifying to you, but it's nice to look back after all these years and laugh about it. And you've shared some pictures of your food with us, you are amazing!

  11. I think that both I and your other readers are so happy that you two are so content and happy together. How many years have you been together? Roderick

    1. Answering backwards because this was such a kind comment. Thank you. It will be 22 years this August. Thank you for always being there and your positive comments.

    2. Years ago when every wife had a large cast iron skillet that is what bisuitts were bakes in. I remember my Mom used her skillet every day for something. I have it now and will pass it to my daught whe cooks in cast iron most of the time.


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