
Friday, September 3, 2021


 Here's another still life moment from the desk at the farm.  A few months ago, we posteHERE and HERE about items we have on the desk at the farm. It's a scattering of things connected to our lives in some way.

Everyone seemed to enjoy it so here are some more:

Four items here in this closeup...

Small wooden box - given to me by a friend who passed away.  She put a wax seal in it for a character we were going to write about someday.  We never got to write about it as she passed unexpectedly.

Glass and brass jar - nope, not for candy it was where my Dad kept his pipe tobacco.  It's an antique (I need to polish that brass lid) heavy thick glass.

Chinese soldier - for a while here in the Houston area, there was an outdoor Chinese culture/history museum that had a 1/3 scale replica of the Chinese archeological site called "Forbidden City".  It was popular with tourists until it closed in 2011.  2nd Man and I went and we bought this in the gift shop.  It just always looked kind of neat and since we'll probably never travel to China, we'll bring a bit of it to the farm, ha.  

Transistor radio - OK this looks vintage but it's retro reproduction of an old transistor radio.  It does work great though, has a long antenna that pulls out and hey, it never hurts to have an AM/FM battery operated radio in Hurricane country.

Bits and piece of lives lived...


  1. Wonderful keepsakes / momentos
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening.

  2. I came to Birmingham to the Chinese exhibit of the terracotta soldiers. I brought home a blue and white letter opener. The box is beautiful and a bittersweet memory. Lovely overall.

  3. Beautiful memories held in beautiful objects of remembrance.
    And the transistor radio is a smart item to have with our crazy weather.

  4. I have one of the Xian soldiers also. I bought it when the exhibit was here.
    Did I age myself when I immediately knew you had a transistor radio?

  5. I saw the terracotta soldier exhibit in Philadelphia several years ago. I'm sorry now I didn't purchase a souvenir. What a nice assortment that brings you joy and happy memories.


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