
Sunday, September 5, 2021


It's a long weekend with Labor Day, but we can still have a good food and Hobart Sunday.

Steak dinner

When I got back from the farm yesterday, 2nd Man had this waiting for us.  Steak, duck fat roasted French fries and broccolini, one of our favorite meals.  Oh and a couple of glasses of wine of course. 

It was a good end to a REALLY hot day.

Hobart sleeping in bed

Then this morning when we got up, Hobart just took over one side of the bed and the pillow and there he sleeps, even now as this posts.   Oh well, I guess we can't make the bed today!  Thank you Hobart!

Hope you all are having a good weekend!


  1. In the uk we used to call those CRINKLE CUT CHIPS
    I haven’t seen them for years

    1. Hey John!!! Yep, they are crinkle cut here, but of course, "French fries" instead of "chips". If we said chips here, people would think of potato chips (the sliced crispy fried snacks). 2nd Man brushes them with duck fat and puts them in the oven for 30 mins or so. Yummy! Thanks for stopping by, always love to see you.

  2. oh yum! i haven't had a steak in ages. hi hobart!

    1. We don't eat steaks often so that makes them more special when we do have them. 2nd Man uses his carbon steel pan and they come out so amazing. Hobart says hello! Or meow, not sure what that was....

  3. 11th commandment... You must not move the cat!

  4. Not really a steak eater but your meal sure does look appealing
    Hobart sure does look nice and comfy.

    1. Thanks, I never really was much of one in my younger days but I've grown fond of them on occasion. And yep, he finally moved and let us make the bed.

  5. That’s a really delicious looking meal - mmm!
    Hobart - the comfort specialist!

    1. Thanks, it was relish! And yes, I love that description, he's a comfort specialist for sure, ha.


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