
Tuesday, September 7, 2021


Well, the hottest day so far anyway, and of course, I was out in it...

Notice the time.  It was 11:41am and it was 99 degrees with a "feels like" heat index of 115 degrees!


I mowed only what I had to you can see above, shorter time than average.  It was just getting too hot too quickly so I finished up, watered the fruit trees and things on the porch and that was it.  Time to get back to where it was cool.  It was just getting too dangerously hot...

...but not too hot for these deer!  Here's a surprise catch.  The night vision on the trail cam picked up this group last week.  We know of course there are deer (and quite a few) around all the time and the fruit trees are, knock on wood, fine, so the fishing line fencing seems to be working as we hoped. I do need to take it down later this Fall to be able to mow in there (it's a nightmare right now) but I suppose once the leaves have fallen, the trees will be safe for a couple weekends until I get it all cleaned up and restrung.

And just for good measure, here's a golden orb weaver spider.  This time of year they are all over the place, doing their thing, eating other bugs.  We try to leave them alone, they are harmless, but occasionally they build their webs in the most inconvenient across top step of the porch, ha.

Here's to cooler weather soon, we can only hope!


  1. My apologies if I’ve missed the explanation, or if this is a silly question, but can you do mowing any earlier in the day, or later? Or is it too wet to mow then?

    1. No apologies necessary. Well we don't live out there full time. We're about 45 miles away. Now if the house was in better shape, we could go out and stay on the weekend. We do on cool days in the Fall and sometimes Winter. But we have no heat so too cold is sometimes and there is only one window unit a/c for the heat. We haven't wanted to put money into those things since we'll be redoing the house at some point. Of course 2nd Man being laid off for a year and the pandemic now has slowed those plans. We're gearing back up toward that goal.

      So anyway, we get there in the morning and sometimes it is far too wet from the dew. So it has to dry up by about 10am or so. This time of year it gets hot fast. So we do as little as we can, ha. Now in the next few weeks it will become the perfect time of year and I'll be a yardworking maniac, ha.

  2. One of those spiders built a web across my side door. Of course, I burst right through it, getting web all over me. I was horrified thinking I had a spider on me. Plus, I was afraid a spider was in my hair, too. The next day, I forgot all about the spider web and crashed through it again. The third day, the spider was tired of me. It built the web beside the door and into the corner onto the wall. I let him stay and was grateful not to have to wash out spider web.

    1. They do seem to build in the most inconvenient (for us, ha) places don't they? When I mow, I invariably hit a web strung between two trees or bushes. I always hate that feeling. And then I feel like something is crawling on me, ha.

  3. That was a hot index. Good to quit before it got hotter.

    1. Right? The hottest we've seen this Summer. Now granted we aren't looking all the time, if we're inside where it's cool, I'm not thinking about it. But when I'm out in it I want to know, ha.

  4. We have been in the triple digits already here. That is when a person just stays inside and do nothing but relax and not use the oven then anymore need be.
    Wonderful deer photo. Thanks for sharing your trail cam photos. I enjoy seeing them nature pictures.
    Photo of your spider; I remember when our grandsons would catch grasshoppers and toss them in the wed. Something they had fun doing and it kept them occupied. I try to avoid spider webs as much as possible.
    Did you know that the hummingbirds will use the webs to build their nest?
    Enjoy the rest of the week and have a great weekend

    1. I'm not sure if we have hit 100 this Summer but those heat indexes sure have. We've got some more pics to share from the trail cam. I'll post them on occasion. Now that is too funny about the grandkids. Fascinating about hummers, I bet that makes for a strong nest. You stay cool too!

  5. Great trail-cam picture of the deer. They’re trying to help you keep the grass mowed!
    I’ve always liked these garden spiders - anything that catches mosquitoes and flies are friends of mine!
    I’m glad you didn’t push yourself with the yard work. The heat is way too dangerous.

    1. Thanks, they can mow all they want to, ha. Just stay out of the garden and the orchard. Yes, these spiders also get wasps. But yeah mosquitoes, flies, we're fine with that. You stay cool too!!!


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