
Sunday, September 18, 2022


Solo to the farm yesterday since no mowing (more on that tomorrow) and when I got back into town, 2nd Man was working on dinner.

We had pork chops, sautéed mushrooms and broiled cauliflower "steaks".  The pork chops, pan seared with simple salt and pepper as always, the mushrooms were sautéed whole in butter and then a splash of white wine and the cauliflower was sliced thick and sprayed with olive oil and seasonings and then oven roasted and broiled at the end.  It was all delicious!

Today Hobart is sleeping on the couch, swaddled up in his fuzzy blue blanket.  It's hard to tell which end this is, but his ears are there somewhere, ha.  He is sleeping peacefully and warm.  Because...




  1. What a beautiful meal to come home to! Butter-sautéed mushrooms - mmm! I've never had roasted and broiled cauliflower steaks but those look so good, I need to make them.
    Hobart is playing hide-and-seek right there out in the open - and he's still hard to see!

    1. They were super easy, just sliced thickly so they hold together then we used some olive oil spray and I'm not sure what seasonings he used but you can use whatever you like. Then it was 425 for 15 minutes and then flip them (season and oil on the flip side) and then another 10 or 15 minutes or so. We cranked it up on broil for a couple minutes at the end.

      Hobart does disappear in the dark for sure. Always afraid I'll step on him in the bedroom in the middle of the night.

  2. The meal looks really delicious. We have a black cat also and I find sometimes it's hard to know which end is up. lol

    1. Thank you. Yep, when he's curled up somewhere, we're never sure what part we're talking to, ha!


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