
Monday, September 19, 2022


If you all read last weekend, our Zen Machine had some issues.  It was picked up and they are currently evaluating it (appears to possibly be bad fuel).  Anyway, I was majorly stressed about the fact that I hadn't been able to mow in two weeks and in some spots of the yard, it had been three weeks.

The yard looked like this.

Another week or two of no mowing could have been a real issue.  Well, the other day, I got a text from "J" of 2nd Family (that lives out there at the front end of the property).  She said, "I didn't want you guys to be stressed about it so I mowed it for you so you wouldn't have to worry about it.  I hope y'all don't mind".


This was the same spot as the first picture!

Here is where I had to stop when the mower died and I just left it to be picked up.

And here is what that same spot looked like when I got to the farm Saturday.  Amazing.

Here is the front yard, she even went back over spots that I missed and also did the back yard and the side.  It was such a relief and gave me great peace of mind.

All I had to do was the area around the fruit tree beds.

Normally I drive the mower through here for the big swaths and then use the electric mower and edger to clean it up.  This time though, I had to use the edger first and then finish it off with the electric mower...

It worked well, though I did miss the Zen Machine for "cleaning up" the clippings but it's all good.  It's neater now and we're OK with that.

All thanks to "J" and her random act of kindness. Of course we asked how much we owed her and she said she didn't want anything but we couldn't allow that, ha!

So on Friday, 2nd Man baked up a couple of loaves of white bread and I packed them up for her.  We also gave her some cash for gasoline (that's only fair).  She was very thankful and has texted twice already to say how much she has enjoyed the bread.

Never underestimate how much a random act of kindness means to someone! 😊


  1. Wow, what a wonderful thing that your thoughtful neighbor did! And then those beautiful loaves of bread that 2nd Man baked for her. Kindness and generosity – that’s what the world needs more of!

    1. Yes, we could all use more of this. Thank you!

  2. Agree random acts of kindness are wonderful!

  3. Good neighbors are a gift, great neighbors are a blessing!

    1. Yes, we were so worried when we thought they might move away but it looks like they'll be our forever neighbors and in the country, that's important.

  4. Texas neighbors can be wonderful

  5. That's what life, friends and neighbors should be. Thanks for sharing the story.

    1. No problem we were so grateful we had to share the feeling, ha.

  6. Wonderful to have neighbors you can depend on like that and hey, I might mow your yard for you if I knew I could get some fresh bread like that! Ha. Janie V

    1. Aww, you're too might change your mind in this heat, ha.

  7. Good neighbors do make Great friends.
    I agree with Susan; "Country folk are the best."
    "J", You Done Good. A good neighbor is a priceless treasure.
    2nd Man; your bread looks wonderful.
    How much better this world would be if there was more love, kindness and generosity than hatred.
    Have a Great day

    1. Thank you, the world DEFINITELY needs more love, kindness and generosity. We're all in this together. Thank you!!!

  8. it's such a nice thing she did for you!

    1. It was very sweet, and we are truly grateful.

  9. That was really thoughtful of her. Gas money is the least a person can do. But, BREAD! looks delicious.

    1. Gas was a for sure but yeah, then we thought about what we could cook and her Mom used to run a small bakery so they love anything baked. We figured this could feed for a few days anyway, ha.


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