
Wednesday, September 21, 2022


So the other day at the store, I saw this display of a new bread they are carrying.  "Martin's Old Fashioned Real Butter Bread".  I thought, hmm, interesting, I'll go home and research it.

They had quite a few loaves.  We read about it online and the reviews were great.  So I went back a few days later to get a loaf so we could try it...

Oops!  Gone.  I went to someone who was working in the bread aisle and asked and he said he would go check in the back.  He found some that they hadn't loaded into the display.  I snagged one.

It's really, REALLY good.  2nd Man said it's as close to homemade from a store that he's ever had.  I agree.  In fact, some of the reviews said it reminded them of "Grandma's bread".  It has a great homemade taste, rich in butter, soft, and fluffy.  Sure, 2nd Man can whip up homemade bread when we need it but when he needs a break from baking, this might just become our go to backup.

Anyone ever tried this?


  1. I have not seen this brand before. I make all of our bread but every now and then it would come in handy to buy a loaf that actually tastes really good.

    1. I had never seen it either but it was really good. We were surprised.

  2. Everything’s better with butter! What store did you find this? I haven’t seen this bread at my HEB.

    1. Right? It was HEB. They had some in the bread section and then the display that I photographed was over in the bakery section near the "Hawaiian rolls" display.

  3. Martin's also makes a variety of buns and rolls that are really good. They are found in the bakery section in my area, not the bread aisle. I love their potato bread!

    1. Oh I saw those, weren't sure about that. Will try that next. Thank you!!

  4. I have never tasted this brand of butter bread. But, I did try another brand of butter bread and am not a fan at all. if I ever see this brand, I will try it.

    1. We tried some other brand and same thing, weren't too impressed but this was good. I don't think the butter flavor was pronounced, it's just more like a homemade bread. But who knows, we all have our tastes, ha.

  5. I've never heard of it! But I use butter in my homemade bread and think this would be a great alternative. If I can find it!

    1. 2nd Man uses butter in his bread too and that's what he said about this. It was a great alternative for those "don't feel like baking this weekend" times, ha.

  6. Does it come in wheat as well? That is all we eat here.
    I can't remember the last time when I had a slice off white, but must admit, that sure does look yummy.
    Have a delightful day.

    1. You know I'm not sure. I didn't see it but I'll have to look. We usually try to eat wheat when we buy store bought but I though this would be a fun adventure.

  7. I've heard of it but have never tried it. They are headquartered in Pennsylvania and you can find their products all over the northeast. I don't know how common they are elsewhere. I live in New York State and you can find them in any grocery store here. You've got me curious about the taste though -- I guess I'll just have to try it. :)

    1. Yes, I saw that when I was checking out the website. I haven't seen it before so many they are branching out across the country. If you try it hope you like it. It maybe be different for different tastes, ha.

  8. I love Pepperidge Farm's butter bread. I also tried another (don't remember the brand) that was on sale and it was pretty much the same. Lightly toasted with some good, spicy guacamole (because I am too lazy to buy plain avocados) and a poached egg. Mmmmm.

    1. Haven't tried Pepperidge Farm but we did try another one (also can't remember the brand) and we didn't like it much. Oh toasted bread is always so good. Hey, buying guac is a great shortcut, not lazy at all, ha.


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