
Thursday, September 29, 2022


 Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

Here is an update on one of them:

This basket was the one I found after Christmas that had some strands of lights in it.  That post is HERE.

We had been trying to figure out where to use it.  We tried it in the closet for storage but that didn't work.  We put it by the dresser and that just didn't work either.   Ultimately, we decided to use it for additional storage in the pantry because that's always needed...

...and here it is in the pantry!  We use it for our bags of beans and grains.  It fits perfectly on the shelf front to back and is sturdy.  The handles let us pull it out and sit in on the counter to see what we want to use. 

Someone's discard is something we put right to use!


  1. Nice basket. I have one like it and use it under the sink to put some of my cleaning supplies in it.
    I also have another type of basket that I use for magazines.
    They are also nice for linen / towel closet. Can store your rolled up towels and place in bathroom.
    Fill with toilet paper rolls.
    Great many uses for nice baskets like that.

    1. Some good ideas for uses. We used to have (at the house we sold) a basket with towels. The one hear we don't have a spot for that and the farm, of course we don't want towels that easily accessible to creatures, ha but sometime that's a good idea too.

  2. An all-purpose basket for sure! I love those Ham Beans and use them for my bean soups, but finding decent smoked hamhocks in S. CO is ridiculous! I will buy smoked pork chops or use smoked kielbasa in my beans.

    1. Ha, you noticed that, good eye...isn't it good? Those are the only ones 2nd Man likes to use for things like soups.. We have used smoked turkey legs, those are easy to find here. Hamhocks have been hard to find here too the last year or so, not sure why.

  3. I love baskets like that. So many uses. Great find.

    1. It was an accidental find because it was part of the stuff with the Christmas tree but hey, we'll take it. It was bound to have a use and this is perfect (for now, ha).

  4. Baskets always come in handy and that's a good one.


  5. There is always a use for a basket. Those small things are a pain to corral. That is a nice basket, too.

    1. The little things like bags and stuff like that are good to put in something with high sides.

  6. The perfect item for the solution to a common problem! And it's even attractive.

    1. It does look nice and fits that spot perfectly.


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