
Friday, September 30, 2022


It's back!

Well, they said it's supposed to be dropped off today.

The weather is cool(ish) and nice with no humidity.  The guy at the service place said they made it a priority to get me back on the mower so I could take advantage of this nice weather.  I did mention that we'd have to hire some goats if it didn't come back soon, he laughed.

They think it was stale fuel and suggested flushing the fuel system and then changing the filter, cleaning the carburetor etc.  Since they were doing that, we asked them to go ahead and do the annual maintenance, blade sharpening, oil change, lubricating, tightening the belts, etc.  It's what we normally do in Feb/March before Spring but hey, there are only a couple more mows this year so why not just do it now.  One less thing to worry about in a few months.

Going to stop on the way out and buy a new gas can.  The one out there now has sat all Summer with the gas in it that I've been adding to the mower the last two times when it didn't run correctly. 

Also going to pick up some of this to put into the fuel can when I stop and fill it up.  We want to eliminate all chances of a repeat performance.

Wish I was off work today, I'd be mowing, ha!  But that's OK, tomorrow is Saturday and I'll be ready!


  1. I’m so glad that your mower problem got fixed. The new gas can and adding STA-BIL will be great for prevention.
    Having morning low’s in the 50’s with lower humidity is such a treat from our hot-humid weather of the past months.
    Have fun on your Zen Machine tomorrow!

    1. Yep, and I'll empty the old can (which is technically not old, I bought it last year) and just make sure it's dry and maybe use it next year as an extra if needed. We have low humidity and it's been so nice. Hope tomorrow everything goes like "normal", ha.

  2. The humidity was around 34% one day this last week. It does feel wonderful. It is good you have an action you can perform to keep it running so you are not without a mower.

    1. Yep, it co$t a good chunk of change but in the end it's cheaper than buying new and we're just doing part of what we always do a few months early.

  3. Happy mowing! It's cool and pleasant here, too. I love it.


  4. I have a self-propelled mower. At the end of the season if there is any gas in the can, I add it too the car's tank. No leftovers for next year. My brother recommended I buy non-ethanol gas. More expense, he says it's better for the engine and parts. I do live in a humid part of NC, but it may not be as bad as your area. Condensation in the can or your Mowers tank could be some of the problem. Hope isyou have a good fall mowing season. Currently IAN is blowing thru with heavy rain. I should not have to mow until next weekend.

    M in NC

    1. Thank you for this. And get this, today I heard from the mower shop and they said "if you can, use ethanol free gas in your mower". ha! Great minds you and them! I replied and said I'd have to look for a station that offered that and he told me where it was out there! So I WILL be filling up with that. Stay safe from Ian!!!

  5. Nothing like a healthy Zen Machine to restore the soul. That and a big field to mow with it. Make sure you measure the Sta-Bil according to directions and the capacity of your gas can. And, after your last mow of the season, drain the gas out of your mower (you can do this by just running it until it is out of gas). That will assure your Spring gas is fresh which is something that Zen Machines seem to enjoy.

    1. It does that for me, I'm in the zone. Sometimes I listen to the music on my phone (have some bluetooth headphones) and sometimes a podcast and sometimes I just bask in the silence of thinking. Great tips, thank you for this. And side note, I will respond to your email this weekend. :-)

  6. Good to hear that your clean, mean, riding machine is back home and that all is well.
    We use gas from QT but just one thing; if a tanker is in the station filling up the stations tanks, with gas we won't stop, will wait till the next day or so. ( will give it a chance for the yuck to settle again) When a tanker is in the station filling up the tanks, it stirs up the deposits and yuck in the underground tanks, of which in turn you would be apt to pump some of the gas in your own vehicle tank. Not a Good thing.
    It's best to wait till the next day to fill up with gas or go to a different gas station.

    1. Thank you, a great tip. I think my Dad used to do that too. I never really knew why but that makes sense.


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