
Saturday, July 6, 2024


 Off to the farm today to mow, because chances are pretty good, I won't be able to mow again for a couple of weeks...sigh.

Things are ramping up and are starting to look pretty harrowing for parts of Texas.  While we would (at least as this posts) avoid a direct hit, what a few days ago was for sure a Northern Mexico/Brownsville, TX landfall has now become...

...a major worry for us.  We'll be on what is called the 'dirty side' (the wet side with training bands of rain).  What is making many here nervous, is that this is an almost identical scenario to "Harvey" that is setting up...arguably the worst disaster to ever strike Houston.  A hurricane going in at almost the same place and then we got stuck with the days and days of rain.


These are the tentative rainfall rates, we're in the 8 inch range but this is VERY subject to change.

Fingers crossed!

Go away Beryl.


  1. Enjoy your day at the farm.
    Seen the weather report on the news last night that it was heading your way. Hang on Houston.
    Just stay safe and make sure to have plenty of drinking water along with extra for the toilet flushing,( I guess swimming pool water) grocery items, cat food, etc.
    Hopefully you won't loose power.
    Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

  2. I already got the "Bug Out"(large back pack bookbags full of clothes, insurance, and house papers, snacks, laptop power cords and phone charger cords as well as power boosters for the phones) Bags ready just in case Beryl moves westward. We have the car partially set with dog and cat stuff and their chew toys and blankets. We won't know for sure until tomorrow evening. Seguin is in the yellow rainfall area but still, we live right next to the Guadalupe River and that's bad enough. If he changes direction we will go inland to Austin Sunday night and stay with the kids.

  3. Maybe Beryl will change her direction.

  4. Maybe Beryl will piss off and leave you alone, weather reports as much as we bitch about them getting it wrong at times are for the most part pretty good and better then they had 100 years ago

  5. I’m spending the day doing prep for the hurricane.


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