
Sunday, July 7, 2024


Here we are.  Sunday before a hurricane.  Sigh.  More on that in a moment.  Right now, some good food and some Hobart.

Eat the rainbow!

The other night we had some mahi-mahi seared with chili powder from New Mexico.  Served over spring greens, chopped mini peppers, pickled red onions will cilantro vinaigrette.  So good!  So healthy!

Hobart found a towel from the laundry basket and made a nest in the sun (while it's still out).  We didn't disturb him and he is not the least bit worried about the hurricane, he knows we will protect him.  Because...


Latest wind estimates for the area.  The pinkish colors (dark to light) are 80 to 100mph gusts.  If it wobbles even a bit to the right, we will have 100mph winds over most of Houston.  As this map stands, the farm will have almost 80mph winds (though again, a wobble the other direction could put the stronger winds over the farm).  We're as prepared as we can be.  Now we just wait to see what we wake up to tomorrow morning.  Work has told us to stay home.


  1. Just stay as safe as you can. I hope you won't have to evacuate! Will check on you two tomorrow!

    1. We are prepared and safe (hopefully) in this building. I will post tomorrow as long as we have power and/or internet connection.

  2. It’s coming in right over us. I’m as prepared as I can be. Just hoping we don’t lose power. Not having air conditioning in this heat will be miserable.

    1. Yikes, we've been watching that map with the path and wondered about you. If it's a Cat 1, all should be ok "structure wise" but yeah, the power is the key. You don't want to be without ac in this heat. Stay safe, and we will check in with you as well!

  3. I don’t like this, not one bit! Had one rain band come thru already, that was all the wind I need to experience. Stay safe! Deb

    1. I know right? Yep, we've had some bands come through downtown and it was pretty intense. This is making us all a bit nervous. If anything, we can only wish for it to be fast moving so it does what it's going to do and gets out. Sigh. Hang in there!!

    2. Well this is crazy! Hope you guys are doing ok! I can’t imagine being in a tall building with this wind! Deb

  4. Stay safe, dry, and cool as possible.

  5. I hope you don't loose power. It is brutal without AC in this heat.

  6. Hoping you escape any serious damage in town and at the farm, and that any power outages are short.


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