
Saturday, July 16, 2011


More decisions.

After much research and back and forth, we have decided that when we get our mudroom / pantry fixed up, we're going with this type of shelving. 

Of course, you'll have to picture black and white checkerboard floor, but there won't be many other changes.  We've decided not to paint the walls, we kind of like the natural wood look.  That's one reason we thought this style of shelving would be a nice compliment to the room.

The room is quite large, over 11' x 11', and we will put these shelves on two walls.  Of the other two walls, one has the doorway to the dining room/kitchen, refrigerator, and will have the small
utility sink we mentioned in this post,  and the other wall is a shorter side, with just the door to the porch and part of the utility sink.

We will bolt these shelves to the wall, just so they are safe and won't move.  Another reason we like them, is they match the same style as the Orchard Rack mentioned here.

I can't wait to get them all up and have them ready to start organizing.

I've never gotten to organize a house and start from scratch, yet that's what we'll get to do with this farm.  We will start with an empty house, fix it up and then start furnishing, decorating it, putting the right stuff in the right place, slowly and deliberately.

Please keep checking back for updates as we do it!

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