
Saturday, July 16, 2011


One of our favorite "quick dips" is this one.
It's so good for a very fast fix, about five minutes, and it's ready.  It's easy to make because you almost always have the ingredients on hand or at least can easily keep them on hand.

Some similar recipes use the old standby of a packet of onion soup mix...but we love using Knorr's vegetable soup mix instead.  The minced vegetables in the soup mix add flavor and color to the final dip.

Courtesy of: Knorr's

1 box frozen spinach, thawed and WELL drained.
1 cup mayonnaise (not Miracle Whip)
1 container (16 oz) sour cream
1 pkg of Knorr's vegetable soup mix
1 garlic clove, minced
pepper to taste

Simply put all into a bowl, and mix until combined.
Refrigerate for at least an hour, but doing it for several hours will allow the flavors to meld together.

Can be served in a bowl with crackers or vegetables for dipping.
Another great way to serve it is to create a bread bowl by hollowing out a round loaf of bread, and pouring it in, as in the picture above.



  1. Easy tip for "draining" frozen spinach. Once it is thawed, put it into a potato ricer

    and squeeze all the moisture out. This works wonderfully!!

  2. Great idea! And we have a potato ricer (it's 2nd Man's favorite thing for making creamy mashed potatoes). Thanks!!

  3. I made this today, it was delicious! Thank you for posting the recipe.

  4. Instead of the Knorr thingy, use a pound of bacon, crumble, 2 packages of softened cream cheese instead of Mayo, and a package of shredded Cheddar, + 1 clove of garlic crushed and of course the spinach. Try it, you like it :)

    1. OMG...thank YOU for that. Sounds delicious. I was just thinking it was time to make some of that again. I'm going to try this version! I assume you still use the sour cream for the moisture. Yummy!! Can't go wrong with bacon in anything, ha.

  5. I have been trying to remember this recipe for a few years, never taking the time to look it up. I found it roaming for answers to my zinnia question which you kindly speak of elsewhere on your site. The recipe is a classic!! thanks for bringing it up. Love your site btw.

    1. Aww, thank you!!! We appreciate your visiting! Yes, this is a great classic recipe, in fact just made some the other day! Please come back anytime!

  6. The dip looks delicious and the recipe is easy to put into practice even for a beginner cook like me. Hope my husband will like it when he comes home tonight.

    1. I hope your hubby liked it! It's a very forgiving recipe, and super easy.

  7. I make the same recipe except I use Knorr Spring Veggie dip. I have tried both and prefer the Spring veggie, yummy.

    1. Well I am SO going to have to try it using that! Cool! Thank you for sharing. :-)

  8. I use the same recipe and eat this dip by the gallons. It's great with veggies, chips & on crackers.

    1. LOL, kindred spirits here, this stuff is the bomb biggity, ha. It's also great on a spoon, HA!!!

  9. Does sound like a great recipe....especially with the addition of the bacon. This will go on to next week's shopping list.

    1. My apologies for the late reply to this. The comment got pushed down the list and I didn't see it back then. Hope you read this. Thank you so much for stopping by and I sure hope you were able to make it and enjoy it. come back soon!

  10. love this, so easy to make and sounds so yummy

    1. Hi! Definitely yummy and VERY easy. Hope you enjoy!!


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