
Thursday, September 29, 2011


We have a pond site on our property.  Of course, in this drought, it's more of a muddy spot in the land, but I hope that someday, we can make it look like this.  We like the less formal, more casual nature of this type of pond.  It's definitely an inspiration that we would use for the guy who can dig out our pond for us...
"build us a pond that looks like this".

I can plant the flowers and plants later....

Today is my blog day off, so I'll check back here tomorrow!


  1. I love this "inspiration" idea...someday Tool Lady and I will own a big piece of property and I've already started saving links to websites and photos and the like for our "someday" :-)

  2. @ Bee Girl: Yes, we've been saving stuff, pictures, articles from magazines, printouts from the net, and the like for about 10 years now. We finally have our property and so we just need to take those pictures and do something about it, ha.

    Thanks for visiting! Side note, I'm taking a beginners introduction to beekeeping class next Saturday, nervously looking forward to it! Check back next Saturday and I'm sure I'll be rambling on all about it, lol.


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