
Friday, September 30, 2011


Kenmore Electric Convection Stove
Well, this is the stove we decided on.  One requirement 2nd Man had was that the oven had to have a convection oven for his baking.  We were also limited by the fact there there is no gas out there, it's all electric.  This will be a big change for 2nd Man's cooking.  He's been used to gas all these years.  Most decent convection oven ranges are electric ovens with gas burners up top (dual fuel they call it) which is what we have at the city house.  But out there he will have to get used to electric.

Anyway, we knew a standard 30" range was all we had room for.  We also knew we wanted to go with Kenmore, just so we could have an easy to repair/parts readily available (in the country) appliance.  So our final decision was color.  Our kitchen in the city has stainless steel appliances.  I like that look.  I think it would be particularly well suited toward the farm as well.  But the kitchen wall where we are putting the stove at Seda Bolsa is a bit dark.  We are leaving it as is since it is original to the house.  Black was immediately off the list, that would be way too dark, a black appliance against a brown wall.  Then we looked at the stainless steel.  While very pretty, they all had black sides and/or black tops.  Again, probably just too dark.  Since everything is going to be white, the other walls, the cabinets, the ceilings...we figured that the best thing to do would be go with white.

Kenmore Refrigerator
 So last night, we went to Sears and put this stove and this matching white fridge on layaway.  Layaway for appliances is a great way to get them.  We have 12 weeks to get them out (though I'm sure they'll be out WAY before then) but it's still a nice way to to get the higher ticket items, and pay for them over time without resorting to credit.  It's hard to even find a store that will allow layaway anymore, much less putting appliances on it.

We might not have much furniture, but we'll be able to keep cold drinks, food, and cook when we're out there!  Baby steps, right?


  1. If I didn't love you, I might have to hate you! I want a convection oven!!

  2. Ha! I understand. But do you know they aren't really that expensive. If you catch a good sale at Sears, we found 20% off all Kenmore appliances, and then they had a special friends and family sale for another 15% off. So we got 35% off the total. That knocked off over $200. Then you can put it on layaway for 12 weeks!! Maybe it's time to start talking about needing a new stove!! LOL!

  3. Convection ovens rock! If your 2nd Man is used to cooking on gas, there will be a bit of an adjustment to electric, but he'll get the hang of it!


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