
Friday, October 14, 2011


Mason jar blossom vases

I recently blogged about using Mason jars as simple flower vases HERE.  Well, here is another pretty use for Mason jars and flowers: A simple hanging wire around the top, add some water, and then float a flower blossom.  You can hang them inside, outside, in windows or on hanging hooks.  It's just a pretty way to display a flower that you really like.  Or maybe even a flower with a broken stem.  The glass even seems to magnify the flower.


  1. @Becky3086: Isn't it pretty? I'm so going to do this at some point. Looks pretty easy, I think I can bend some wire, ha. I'll let you know when I make my own!

  2. I don't imagine you even have to use wire. I bet a some twine would look nice and rustic. I like things to look "country".

  3. That's a great idea , one I think I'll use on my Patio this Spring :o) with some sweet potato vines hanging out :o0


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