
Friday, October 14, 2011


Here are the results of the new vinyl flooring.  We LOVE it!  It looks great throughout the house, even better than we could have imagined.

Above is the foyer or entryway, before it was just a bare, plywood floor.  Now it really has a whole new look we love (minus the paint machine, LOL).  

The mudroom has changed the most with the addition of the vinyl flooring.  It's bright, and big and just makes the whole room look twice the size as before.  The guys also did a wonderful job of lining it all up.  It looks great.

Sitting area
I couldn't get into the master bedroom to take good pictures of the sitting area, because the hardwoods in the master were just freshly stained.  But I used zoom on the camera and got this picture.  It really looks nice as well.  Before, this area had the only carpet in the house but that was just old stick down carpet squares.  Since this will be the sitting/reading area, we can always put down nice fluffy rugs if we want to at some later date.

The only photo of new vinyl I didn't get was the bathroom.  The two rooms connected to it had their floors freshly stained so I couldn't even get close.  I'll have pics of the bathroom after it's all done.  But again, we couldn't be happier with the outcome of this.  Now the vinyl seems to unify all the rooms throughout the house.

Kitchen pics coming this afternoon, big changes there!



  1. it looks gorgeous , I love the pattern and it will be so easy to keep clean :o)
    Pulls everything together..

  2. @Gingerbreadhouse7: Aww, thanks for the kind words! Yeah, we think it looks even better than we had hoped. It really opens things up. Now I can't wait to start sharing pictures as we decorate and put in furniture.

  3. It looks great! I'm glad I got a sneak peek before I had to shut down the computer. My daughter has that same vinyl in her house, and she really likes it.

    It looks like the hardwood floors turned out gorgeous, too. I love the dark color against the white walls and white vinyl.

  4. Really nice. Just what I've been looking for to put in my mudroom. Would you mind sharing the manufacturer?

    1. Alison - Thanks for visiting our little blog. I will have to check on that for you, I know we found it at Home Depot (the contractor told us about it). I have a sample square at home, somewhere, that has the manufacturer info. I'll look for it tonight and update this entry.

      I'll forwarn you it's not the highest quality stuff, but it fit the bill and it's helf up so far. It's pretty thin but like I said, it's worked for what we need and it was pretty inexpensive. We didn't want to spend a fortune having something put down that we might not like later on when we do more remodeling, so we went for the affordable route. Check back here tomorrow and I'll see what I can find!

    2. Here it is. It was at Home Depot, it's made by Armstrong, and is 12 feet wide. The style is: Royelle Sheffley Black and White Residential Sheet Vinyl # 61338405.

      Again, it's held up well for us so far, moving stuff across it and walking in and out on it, but it's on the low end pricewise so I assume it's not comparable to the high end stuff.

  5. Advance, and never halt, for advance is perfection. -Khalil Gibran

    That saying goes to you for the perfectly installed flooring you had there. I want to walk right there and lay down on the floor. Haha. True enough that enhancement is a good way to go if you are aiming for perfection. It transformed your home into a more modern one.

    Kathy Carbone

    1. Thank you for that! We look back at some of the old pictures and see it now and it did totally change the look. Someday we might have tile or something but for now, this is working nicely. Thanks for stopping by!


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