
Thursday, November 17, 2011


Butterfly Garden
This is just so pretty.  It's a picture I found once of a butterfly garden, complete with a butterfly house right there in the middle.

I love this kind of combination of color and height.  This inspires us to choose the right plants, and the right colors to make it look as bright and colorful as it can possibly be.  I just LOVE color in a garden.

Have a wonderful day, it's our blog day off, but as with every Thursday, we'll see you back here tomorrow morning!



  1. OH...I love, love, love butterfly gardens! I am going to attempt (again) something like this (only smaller) next spring. I am also planning to plant a butterfly garden at work next spring as well. I work with kids (girls specifically) and they have been actively asking for gardens!!! YAY!

  2. Bee Girl - Aren't they pretty? I can't wait to plant one next spring (or at least just get some butterfly friendly plants/flowers!). I love the butterfly house too, Way cool. People ASKING for gardens?? Woo hoo, that is ALWAYS welcome, right? Ha. Maybe we'll both be working on one at the same time and we can compare notes on our blogs, ha.


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