
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Patchwork Quilt Teddy Bear
This is a favorite of mine.  My Mom found it somewhere, we're not even sure of it's history.  One of her many travels to an estate sale or a tag sale or a thrift store or who knows, but somewhere, she found this cute stuffed bear.  She always had it on the bed in her guest room, and so we felt it appropriate to have it on the guest room bed at the farm.

Granted we don't have the mattress yet, ha, but I just had to grab the bear out of the storage unit when I stopped by.

Stuffed bear in his new home
And here he is sitting in his new home in the country.  I guess we need to hurry up and get the mattress, he looks uncomfortable, ha.


  1. That bed is soooo gorgeous! And I love the teddy - plus, I love that it was your mom's and that you care enough to want it around. You are awesome guys!

  2. Tonya - Yeah, he was too cute to pass up.

    Barbara - Thanks so much for visiting and leaving such a sweet comment. My Mom was a special lady and we miss her terribly. We didn't even think twice about having things out there that were special to her. Thanks for the kind words.

  3. It's a cute lil bear and I think will make a guest feel welcome:o) I also think your Mom would be tickled pink that you care enough to love her Bear too.

  4. Ginny - You always leave such nice comments. Thanks! Yes, we'll take care of her little bear! :-)


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