
Sunday, January 22, 2012


Vintage Victory Garden Poster Free Employee Garden Plots
Now here is a really REALLY neat poster/idea.

During WWII, this is circa 1942-1943, companies could sign up with the government to give up plots of land for employees to to be able to grown their own food!  How AMAZING is that?

According to this poster, as an employee for (unknown) company, you could sign up and get a 30' x 50' plot of land (!) that is already plowed, harrowed, and fertilized, to use for FREE!  That's a 1500 square foot garden plot!  How awesome was that?  They even gave out prizes for 'best gardens'.

I can't imagine any company doing this today but wow, wouldn't it be nice if companies could at least have a community garden for their employees?  I suppose it could all start with a single step.

As always, you can click on the "history" label and see all the vintage posters that I have found across the Internet.


  1. Oh I would die for that kind of deal except these days you wouldn't want it fertilized, but composted :)

    1. Shannan - Isn't that awesome!?!? I thought the same thing, give me the land and it can be plowed and staked off and whatever, but let me do my own organic, thing, ha.

  2. Sorry about that! Blogger is not cooperatinng with me today. What I meant to say was- What I wouldn't give for an opportunity like that! It would also have to be composted and manured for me too. Great find, I'm a huge fan of Victory Garden memoroblia and haven't run across that poster yet.

    1. Ed - blogger is like that sometimes, ha. Yep, I love this idea. Can you imagine a corporation doing that these days? Ha. I visit all sorts of obscure websites (libraries, achives, etc) to find victory garden images. Since you're new to the blog (and our 50th member!), you might want to click on the history label and you can see all the ones I've posted to day. I do it every Sunday and I started it last Spring and don't think I've missed a Sunday yet. Some neat stuff out there. Thanks for commenting!!

  3. I absolutely love this idea! I'm trying to build our gardens at work (I manage a non-profit after school and summer camp program for girls ages 5-15) and would LOVE to have some form of Community Garden added in with the girls gardens I'm working on. It's on my wish if we can just get some of those gardening grants I've been applying for...

    1. Bee Girl - Maybe you could make a modern day version of this and use it to pressure them, ha. I LOVE the idea of any type of community garden. It truly does harken back to the days of victory gardening. And anything you can do to get more kids interested in gardening is a major step forward. Keep us posted over at 'sky minded and ever growing' (she has an awesome blog everyone!)


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