
Sunday, January 22, 2012


As of this morning (thank you ED!) we now have 50 followers on our little blog!

I remember visiting other blogs thinking 'how on Earth do they get followers on a regular basis'?  I remember when we had our first few followers and how excited we were.  Then it was 10 and 20 and 30 and 40 and now 50...and we get just as excited about each new one now as we did about the very first ones. 

We can't tell you how honored we are that you all want to visit and read about our goings on.  I will take that to mean that I'm writing and posting things that you find interesting and they keep you coming back.  So much has changed over the last year and I can't even imagine how much is going to happen over the next year.  Gardening, decorating, cooking galore!

Thank you, each and every one!  We feel like we have 50 new friends!

I promise to keep things interesting and informative and maybe even surprising!


  1. Your welcome :o) just keep the ideas flowing ..that's the hardest part.

    1. Ginny - I find inspiration all over the place, but there are times when I run into writers block. But as soon as I get to the farm, I think of all sorts of stuff to write about. I just hope I keep it interesting! Thanks for being there!!

  2. This post needs a like button. Make that love. Love ya friend!!

    1. Kelly - You KNOW the feeling is mutual! By the way, is there a 'like' button I can put on blog posts? I'm still learning about blogger almost every day it seems. Much love back!!

  3. Ha-ha, @Kelly, how true.



    1. Granny - Aww, you're so sweet. I can't thank you enough for the nice comments you always bring. And thank you for featuring me on your blog back in the summer. It really meant alot. I hope all of you will visit Annie's Granny's blog...she has some great gardening ideas. Big hugs Granny!

  4. Yay! I noticed your numbers have been creeping up! That is great!

    1. Tonya - Thanks for being here almost from the beginning as well! Yes, I see new people pop up all the time and I visit each one them (if they have a blog) and I always try to return the favor. I want to direct everyone to YOUR blog as well, so fun and some great ideas you pull together. Keep up the great work and thank you for being another 'blog friend'. :-)

  5. I find that the more you follow and comment on other blog, the more people come to your blog to find out who you are. Well that's how I got here anyway! It seems that its just as important to read and comments on other blogs as it is to work on your own. I like the community-building it creates :)

    1. Farmer Liz - Great idea, I totally agree. I try to get out to my blog roll and discover new sites and comment when I can. For some reason, the last few weeks at work, I can't get to individual blog pages, and the comment forms don't work. Not sure what is going on. It's cutting back on my commenting and visiting. I need to call IT and check that out. It's my escape on breaks, and at lunch, etc. By the way, love your blog, lots of great info. Thank you for coming here and visiting our little side of the world. Did you ever check out my blog posting about our cats? Their names are Sydney, Brisbane, and Hobart. Thought you might like that. Nope not from Australia, but always wanted to visit. Hence the cat names, lol.

  6. You are very welcome, I really enjoy following your blog life and seeing your journey. keep posting!


Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!