
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This is a sweet feral kitty that lives in our backyard in the city.  She came to us in a litter of four.  For a period of time, all four of them hung out in the backyard.  Two of them disappeared (only to find out years later someone across the street adopted one of them), another still comes and goes, he's far too feral to anyone to be captured, and so that leaves this pretty girl.  We used to call her "good girl", every time we saw her.  After calling her that so many times we shortened it to GiGi (GG, get it?  ha).  We wanted to take her inside, but after so much time outside, and since our other cats are indoor only, we figured it wouldn't be fair to her to lock her inside when she's used to having her freedom outside, and it would be too hard to keep the other cats from wanting to go out.

She's a tiny thing, probably weighs 2 or 3 lbs at the most.  We took her in to be spayed and have her shots when she was old enough (hence the clipped ear, in case she ever got picked up again they would know) and since then, she's stayed in our yard and never leaves, doesn't even go across the street.

She is turning 11 this year.  That's old for a feral cat.  We can pick her up, kiss her, love onto her, I even carry her around when I'm walking around the yard.  But if anyone else comes near, she's gone, under the house.  She's a sweet little girl and I wanted to make sure I blogged about her since she is just as important to us as Sydney, Brisbane, and Hobart.


  1. Oh GiGi is a sweetheart! Boy, I can't believe that she is 11! Feral cats usually only live about half that long.

    Both of my cats were rescued. "Miss Banana" is from a litter from one of the feral cats I had at the farm. I bottle fed her too. "Alvin" the almost blind cat was found by my daughter in a parking lot of a 7 Eleven. Both of them go in and out all day long in the summer. But, never leave the yard. They stay in most of the time in the winter though.

    1. Thanks, she is a sweetie. I was corrected by 2nd Man that she's 10 and a few months. So she's ALMOST 11, ha. I just remember it was 2001 when the litter appeared in the backyard but I didn't remember the month. I should also add that she we made a house for her to use when it's rainy or cold. We even use those hand warmers tucked up under her pillows and blankets. Nah, she's not spoiled, ha.

  2. Every household needs a good cat to muck about.

    1. That's so true! No telling what "creatures" she has dispatched under the house, ha.

  3. Awwww she is adorable. I have thing for stripey kitties! My Wussie-cat will be 18 and Sam-Sam is almost 5. They're my stripeys. Boy Meow-Meow is my mottle cat and he is around 6. WC was rescued froma barn at 7 weeks. SS someone abandoned on our street. and BMM some locked in carrier and left him by th dumpster were my hubbs works. So all rescues!

    I am glad that you spoil all your kitties. You and 2nd man are obviously wonderful pet parents!

    1. They are spoiled, that's for sure. They are all rescues too, seems they come to us or we're in the right place at the right time. I guess that means they are supposed to be here huh? Our oldest will be 17 this year. Love having cats around. As I type this, they are on the middle cushion of the couch, in a big pile to keep warm. The oldest cat is always cold so he seems to get wedged into the middle, all warm and toasty, ha.

  4. She sure knows how to pose for the camera!


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