
Friday, February 17, 2012


Vegetable Cloth / Towel
I found this at the thrift store (75 cents!) and just had to have it.  What is it?  I'm guessing it's a towel, or some sort of cloth?  It's made of a semi heavy cotton and measures 16" x 30".

So my question is; what could I do/make with it?  Anyone out there in a crafty frame of mind and want to offer up a suggestion or two or three?   

I'm sure an obvious choice might be a curtain but there aren't any windows it would fit and it would look odd from the back anyway.  So comment away with suggestions! Who knows, you might see your suggestion created (eventually).  Thanks!


  1. Oh, Jenny's idea is good.

    I would suggest folding it in half, stitching up the sides, putting a zipper or buttons or something at the top/bottom edge and using it as a pillow cover.

    Or you could just use it as a kitchen towel. I recently scored one of De Vinci's Vitruvian Man at a thrift store, and it's currently under the dish rack.

  2. I like the ideal of framing it. Definitely is vibrant enough to stand in as artwork. Love it!

  3. Wall decor. Pillow. Curtain for a tiny window. Towel to hang on the stove. A million uses. Love the design on it!

  4. I'd frame it! It would look great on a long wall. You could even make a few small pictures, to hang down one side, from pretty veggie seed packets! Or sew up two sides, then add a green strap (like on a shopping bag) and hang it on a hook to hold brown paper shopping bags or your supply of garden seeds.

  5. I'd say it's a tea towel, used for drying dishes. In England they are used often, and probably made of Linen...
    You could always sheer it on a curtain rod and use it to dress up an empty cupboard door :)
    Lovely !

  6. I'm going to agree with framing it! It's gorgeous, the colors are beautiful and there's no fraying! Magic! It will be beautiful on one of your walls!

  7. I was already jealous about the butter crock ... now I am dying! :)

    You are very lucky to find all those goodies!

  8. You seem to find the greatest gems in these stores. How do you do it? Could you give us advise on the best way to find great "finds"?


    1. I've got a blog post coming up on that soon! Thanks for asking and thanks for commenting! We appreciate it!!

  9. I vote for framing it too. And the idea of using smaller framed photos next to it of the real vegetables works. My daughter too some great photos of her produce and has them in her kitchen and dining room.

    First time commenting on your site. Came here by way of Annie's Granny and glad I did.

  10. WOW! Thanks for all the comments, I LOVE hearing from you all. It looks like framing it as a piece of art is the best solution. I love the idea of the bag holder and/or pillow cover. I wish we had a small window to use it as a curtain but we don't. So I think the pops of color and the neat retro style would be nice framed and matted. I'll work on that soon, and of course post the results here! Keep ideas coming though, it will be a month or so before I get to this project.

  11. Lots of new commenters, thanks!! I forgot to mention that we like the cupboard door idea too. We do have a small one I might have to check out!! Welcome to all our new friends and our current ones too! You are awesome.

  12. I found your blog via Pinterest, and I've spent the last few days catching up from day one. We are hoping to find a farmhouse when Hubby finishes his enlistment in the Army next year, and your journey has become an inspiration as well as a reality check for me.

    I didn't see any further mention about what you decided to do with this lovely cloth. So I thought I would offer up my two cents. =) You could sew a strip of muslin across the back of the top end to form an open-ended pocket, then slip a dowel through the pocket and hang with twine or raffia. You might also make another pocket across the bottom end and insert a dowel to weight it down.

    1. Well thank you for the kind words. And welcome!! (hope the writing wasn't too tedious to read from the beginning, LOL!)

      I do this and hope that someone gets some good out of it. As we move further along in our journey, there will be more creative things, craft projects, repurposing of things, cooking etc.

      Hope you enjoy the ride and I can't wait to hear (in a year or so?) about your own journey!!

      Please thank your husband for his service to our country! :-)

    2. Oh, and forgot to add, LOVE your suggestion! I sort of put that aside for now when other stuff came up, but I'll be sure to blog about whatever we end up doing. Thanks again!!


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