
Friday, February 17, 2012


Got weeds?  Here's a sign for you!
I think I might need one of these signs.

Well, ok, I'd like to say I wouldn't actually need it, but who am I kidding, weeds are a part of life in the garden I suppose.



  1. Should get one for the city easement lawn strip I no longer want to mow. ;) My current idea is to saturate it with flower seed. Turning it into one of those roll up carpet things of flours.

  2. I just call them "wildflowers"! Most weeds do have flowers, after all!

  3. That was going to be my excuse about the front yard if the city did not allow veggie gardens. Poof, its a flower garden. Everything flowers after all.

  4. that cracked me up!

    thanks for your comment on the anti-word verification thing! really appreciate it!!!

    wish i was crafty with fabric to help you with an idea for that vintage towel. i got nothin!

  5. stay@home - Love that "reason'. hey whatever works for that big govt bureaucracy! And i love the idea of just taking it all up and just inundating it with flower seed. Wow, that would be beautiful too.

    s'a - ha, that's so true, I even posted, sometime last Spring, some pics of some 'flowers" saw on the property that were actually weeds and they were pretty! Go figure! LOL!

    TexWise - Hey, thank YOU for point that out. The new verification thing is horrible. The only think I miss on this with the pop up window (or the full page) is the ability to just reply under each comment. But I can do this, I'm sure I'll adapt, ha. I linked back to you in the picture that you created for being 'word verification free'. Thanks again!!


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