
Saturday, April 7, 2012


Photo courtesy of:
I realized I hadn't posted a cute farm animal picture in a while.  I used to randomly post pictures of baby animals that you might find being raised on farms and felt it was time for another.

I know Llamas are increasingly common farm animals, so I searched to find just the right one and came up with this little guy or gal.  Just too cute!

Off to the farm today, going to do some yard work before it gets too hot, and get all the windows cleaned, install a storage rack, and take out some more stuff we've had in storage.  Basically, doing some more random things that just need to be done.

Enjoy your day.


  1. Squee! Goats and llamas are my favorite! :) Have a lovely Saturday. Today is blueberry picking day in central Florida---the first day of the season.

    1. Aren't they adorable? Not sure we'll ever be able to have animals like that at the farm, well, not in the foreseeable future, until we're out there full time, but they are wonderful. Blueberries? YUM! Jealous!!!

  2. Are you sure that's a llama? I raise alpacas and that looks just like an alpaca cria.

    1. That could very well be an Alpaca! I never thought about that. Thank you!!


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