
Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This is something I did a couple years ago and I had to recreate it for the farm.  Now that I have the blog, I can share it all with you!  What is this you ask?  It's a ceramic drink holder from Benihana turned into a kitchen/utility twine holder.
It couldn't be any easier.  Here's how I did it:

First of all, you need a Benihana of Tokyo drink cup.  I got this one (and a few other styles) at a thrift store a few years ago for about a dollar.  You can also find them all the time on eBay for not much more.  Then, get a package of twine/jute/string, whatever you'd like to use.  By the way, that hole in the front was for the straw when they served it at the restaurant.

Here it is from the back and you can see the Benihana of Tokyo mark.  It's open, which I assume, is where the drink was poured.  This opening makes it perfect for...

...inserting the twine!  Just feed the free end through the straw hole in the front and then you are ready to...

...push the ball of twine into the opening on the back.  Just  make sure it's not too tight so that you can easily pull it through the front...

...voila!  You're done!  The perfect little twine holder, with a whole lot of character, just ready for you to pull out what you need.

Here he is in his new home in the pantry.  He'll probably be moved around as we arrange things, but he'll stay on a shelf somewhere in the pantry / mudroom.  Hope you try something like this.  It's one of the easiest instant projects you can do and the end result is a definite conversation piece!


  1. This is genius. . .I will be copying. . .thanks!


    1. Blushing! Thank you. Let us know what you come up with.

  2. Oh my, this is wonderful! I hope you don't mind, if I can figure out how to do it, I want to pin this on pinterest (I'm new to pinterest trying to figure it out still, but this is a pinterest worthy project if ever I saw one). It's a great idea. I'm always looking for a unique way to keep my kitchen string and my garden twine. I've seen this at the thrift stores and never knew what to do with them. Thank you.

    1. Well thank you for the kind words as well. By all means, "pinterest" away. I don't mind at all. I need to figure out pinterest myself. I'm always finding cool pictures I like and would like to share with others.

      You know, one in the kitchen and one in the potting shed for garden twine is a great idea! Let me see what i can come up with.

  3. I got a book from the library that you should look for as you decide how to fill your Wardian case. It's called "The New Terrarium" by Tovah Martin. They have lots of those cases in there and I thought of yours in your front hall.

    1. OMG, seriously? That's too cool. I will check into that. Yes, mine still sits empty, just need some inspiration. I did find a website that another awesome friend of the blog referred me too and it's given me some inspiration as well. Thanks for thinking of me when you saw the book. Definitely will be on the lookout for it now!

  4. You come up with the most creative ideas.


    1. Dang, you're too kind. I appreciate that. Thank you very much.

  5. My 11 year old grandson just celebrated his b'day in SF at Benihana's...his name is Vinnie...I nicknamed him he's been a fan of Benihana's for a while! I'm going to do the string thing for him...he'll love it!

    1. Oh, he should love that! What a sweet idea. Hope it works out and he likes it!!

  6. Replies
    1. It's about as easy a 'repurposing' project you could do. It's fun.


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