
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Chair for the desk

I found someone in our neighborhood who was getting rid of a chair and as soon as I saw this, I KNEW I had to have it for the farm.  Hard to tell in a picture but in person, it looks perfect, not a flaw on it.  In fact, they said the bought it, put it in a guest room that was newly decorated in a black and white Toile fabric motif, and then they got a job transfer and have to move.

The black and white is a perfect compliment for the flooring in the foyer and we love the floral and leaf pattern since it seems so appropriate for the farm.  Very "nature" inspired.  Originally, I had thought of a chair with arms, maybe even something that rotated, but the desk was a bit too low to find the right chair with arms that would fit.  Plus I kind of wanted something soft and fabric instead of just getting more wood.  I'm sure it's more of a dining table type chair, but I like the look with the desk.  I always say, don't be afraid to use furniture that might be intended for use as one thing or in one room, in another use or another room.  It can definitely add a unique look wherever you put it.

The best part of all?  This was FREE.  Yep!  They were just happy it was going to a good home because they didn't have a need for it in their new house.  They said I could just have it if I put it someplace perfect.  I explained about our little farmhouse, sort of starting it all from scratch, and they were happy.

Their loss/trash, is our gain/treasure!


  1. now , excuse me sounding like an old queen but "that fabric is FAB-U-LOUS"

    1. LOL! Too funny! I'll say it too, fabUlous! That's what I thought when I saw it. They told me it was a black and white floral pattern and I said "ok, sure, I'll swing by and look at it" and when I saw it, I was like "SOLD!". Then they just gave it to me. Awesome!

  2. Awesome. I'm usually not a fan of the pattern, but love it here.

    1. You know I've never been a toile fan either, but this really is so perfect. The pattern fits the 'farm/garden' theme and the black and white looks great with the floor. Thanks! :-)

  3. thank you so much for your comment. what a beautiful chair, and great blog you have here!=)

    1. Awww, thank you for the kind words as well. We got luck on the chair, ha. Wish we could always be that lucky. Thanks again, and I'll be visiting your awesome blog as well.

  4. What a great find, perfect and free. People are very generous, I have been fiven a lot of stuff for my house for nothing.

    1. Isn't that great that people are like that? I'm the same way when getting rid of something, I'd much rather give it to someone who really wants it or needs it. Yeah, this chair was just spot on perfect for that place in the house. Like it was meant to be!

  5. Gorgeous chair! And, as usual, perfect for the space. It looks lovely with the desk. Great find!

    1. Ha, yep, it is perfect for there, that's for sure. Thanks for the comment, as usual!! :-)


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