
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Texas Wildflowers on the side of the road
Wildflower season in Texas is truly a sight to behold.  Unfortunately, it's fleeting.  I snapped some pics around the farm this weekend, sadly, they might be the last ones for this year.  Above you will see a section of wildflowers on the side of the road we turn on before reaching the property.  Just so pretty. They just pop up from seemingly nothing, every year!
Texas Bluebonnets and other wildflowers
Here is a field of Bluebonnets and others, including the white ones which are called "White Prickly Poppies" (love that name).  Love the variety in the pasture above.  The white flowers really stand out.
Field of Bluebonnets and White Poppies
Above is a typical scene in these parts (and THE reason the Bluebonnet is the state flower).  This is just about a mile from the house.  It's funny because you just see green and green and green while you are driving and then you top a hill and see this.  Literally makes you want to pull off the road and stare at the beauty.  It looks almost like blue water with white waves cresting at the top.  You have to see it in person to truly appreciate it.
Bluebonnets and other wildflowers up close
This is just a sort of random closeup I got of some of the flowers.  They are just TOO pretty for words.  And believe it or not, here in about 2 more weeks or so, it will all be gone and just be regular green that you'd see on the side of any road...seeds lying there until next Spring when the rains bring them back to life!

Hope you enjoy!


  1. They are so pretty. I love the blue bonnets best.. I think that the fact that they are fleeting makes them all the more special.

    1. You know I never thought about that...perhaps that is it, their fleeting nature is all the more endearing. Cool!

      And yes, i love the bluebonnets best, they are just gorgeous.

  2. You are lucky to get to see scenes like that. I don't get out of the city much these days so I just go out in my yard and pretend I am far, far away.

    1. Well with a beautiful yard like yours, I'd sit in the yard and stare at it all day. Just gorgeous. I do love seeing it, maybe I can begin, slowly, to make our yard more native. I might get some advice from you sometime.


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