
Monday, May 28, 2012


REPOST:  I posted this a few weeks ago but it was accidental (I used the wrong date) and was in between two other automatic posts that went up an hour or on each side.  I think it might have gotten lost in the shuffle.

Since today is a holiday and I'm traveling, I figured I'd repost it and see if anyone has some more book suggestions.  I can always use more books, LOL!

I am so excited!  I got this book yesterday a couple of weeks ago on the recommendation of several bloggers, and I have to say, I LOVE it.  I've never seen so much great information in one place.  This is a classic book I'm sure many of your have seen.  It's been around since the early 70's but it's periodically updated with the most current information and is the newest 10th edition.

It's almost a thousand pages of valuable information.  Recipes, cleaning tips, how to home repairs, gardening, beekeeping, canning, butchering, orchards, flowers, fence building, how to milk a goat, making soap, building a chicken coop, and literally dozens (hundreds?) of other topics.  Right now, I'm enjoying just flipping through it randomly and reading whatever section I land on.  With this newest edition, they have even added web pages, email addresses and mail order resources for all sorts of topics.

While we have TONS of books (see HERE), cookbooks and gardening books galore, I am always on the lookout for the "must have" books for eventual life in the country.

Are there any books you have that you feel are essential?
Any others similar to this one?


  1. how funny, I just got this book last weekend. I started reading it last night and it's got so much information my head was swimming with ideas. Enjoy, or should I say, we'll enjoy it at the same time, haha.

    1. I'm still reading it! I think it's pretty cool having so much valuable info in one space. Hope you are enjoying yours!

  2. This is also an old book, all about gardening, so the author still uses pesticides. I just ignore that part, and follow everything else he does to the letter!

    1. Awesome, thank you, I will keep my eye out for that one. Thanks!!

  3. Ha, I missed this post too! There is a book I like, I can't remember the exact title and I'm not at home right now, but I think it's "The Homesteading Handbook" or something like that. I'll look and see when I get back. Enjoy your blog by the way.

    1. Thanks for thinking of it. Just keep us posted and thanks for the comment!!

  4. Like Anon said, I missed this post the first time around. I don't have a suggestion but I will definitely check out the one you mentioned and I hope someone others chime in with some books. I'm trying to build my library before we buy some rural property so I like the suggestions too. - Janie

    1. Well welcome Janie, thanks for stopping by. I guess no one added any suggestions, but I'll keep my eye out for more good ones. This one is a definite must have if you are building a library. Thanks again!!


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