
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


My job anniversary was the other day and we usually don't get gifts. This time, a few of my coworkers got me a very thoughtful gift.  They bought me this little Jade plant.  They chose it because it doesn't require a lot of care and water and they thought it would be perfect for the farm since we wouldn't be there daily to water it.  Plus they can be pinched off and started in other pots so it's an easy way to get 'more plants' later on.


So I brought it home, looked through our milk glass collection and found just the right one for it.  It fit just perfectly in this one!  The green of the plant looks great against the white of the planter.

Here it is in its new home at the farm. I put it on the back of the desk that's in the foyer, against the wood wall.  It fits perfectly as a contrast to the dark wood.  When I left, I made sure it was watered and it should be good for another week.  A very neat little surprise that got me to thinking, what are some other indoor plants that can maybe be watered once a week or if pushed, once every couple of weeks?  I might just have to fill the house with them.


  1. We have the same plant here LOL But I don't think we call it jade.

    1. I think it's also called "Friendship Tree", "Money Plant" (I wish!) and "Lucky Plant". At least from what I've read online, ha. I just always knew it as a jade plant. S hould be interesting to see how it does!

  2. what a lovely little plant. that was really sweet of your co-workers but then you seem like a really nice guy! you probably already know this but cacti and succulents don't need to be watered as often as other plants and therefore would make great additions at the farm!

    your friend,

    1. *blushing*, thanks!! I thought about cacti but I'm not a big fan. I think this is technically a succulent and I'm sure there are some more that I might find. I never thought about looking for those. Great idea!

  3. Snake Plant or as it's sometimes called Mother in Laws Tongue is a great plant for neglecting :) Love the milk glass container. I have a Jade that is probably 20 years old. It blooms in the winter.

    1. Oh my gosh, I remember those plants, my Mom used to have one of those. I totally forgot about it and it's a pretty plant. Thank you!

      And I didn't know jades would a) live that long and b) bloom! Neat.

  4. African violets are supposed to be watered when they feel dry to the touch; I think I water mine about every 4-6 weeks (And they are surprisingly healthy little suckers). In fact, most indoor plants only need watering about once a week, so long as they are in large enough planters. Small planters will dry out much faster.

    1. I love African violets. I totally forgot about those too. It's nice to ask on the blog because you all act as my memory, ha. Thank you for the suggestion, it would be nice to have something with some flowers. I like color on plants too. Thank you.

  5. You might want to try Watermelon Peperomia. We had one when I was in college and always forgetting to water it. It thrived. I've reminded myself, too :-)

    1. OK, I can honestly say I've never heard of this, but I googled it and I like it! I think I've seen them before but have never known anyone to have one or thought about getting one. Great suggestion! Thank you.

  6. I like african violets and you can put them in the little violet containers here you put the water in the bottom pot and then the pant in the top and the plant takes water through the porous top container when it needs it. I have several of these pots (not using them now though)

    1. Great suggestion! I've seen those in stores, just never really paid attention to them, if that makes sense. I think I might be off to the store today to see if I can find some! I think I saw them at Home Depot once upon a time. Thank you!

  7. You’ll have to look up a plant called ZeeZee or ZeZe….not sure which. They can truly go forever without being watered!!!

    1. Another I've never heard of (and not sure I've seen). I looked it up and it's a pretty plant as well. I will have to keep my eyes peeled for one at the garden center. Thank you!!

  8. The jade plant is fabulous in the milk glass. Just right.

    I don't have as many houseplants now as I used to, but I love them.

    1. The green is a nice contrast huh? I liked it. I hope to have a few more houseplants around, as long as we can keep them alive, ha.


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