
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Garden Chair, courtesy of:
This is something I've always loved, a chair in a garden. 

The idea of a garden chair in a comfy setting amongst the flowers and bushes you've worked hard to create into something beautiful.  Too often, it's easy to forget to take that time out of the day and just sit back and enjoy.  Don't forget that end table to put a glass full of the beverage of your choice!

Blog day off today, though I will be replying to comments that I wasn't able to get to while out of town.

Other than that, I'll see you back here tomorrow!  As always, thanks for stopping by.  We appreciate it!


  1. Years ago I "inherited" some of those old willow wood chairs and had them casually placed around my gardens--it was heaven. These days, I have a stump, one of those marvelous old steel chairs (The most comfortable on my back chair I own--I sit in it a LOT!!) a wooden swing on a frame (thrift store deal for 10 bucks) and an older wrought iron set of 4 chairs and a table down by my pond--my meditation spot.

    Gardens NEED chairs!!!

    1. I love that you have a stump, that's a great idea. I think I know the steel chair, is that those retro kinds that have the sort of curved back, with arms? Sort of a 50's kind of look? I need some of those, I occasionally have some back issues, a comfy chair would be important! Thanks!

  2. sure looks pretty and inviting. here in texas, it'd be too hot to enjoy it! :)

    1. Ha, too true. I'm here in Texas and yes, it would be hot. Of course we've have a few months in the year we could enjoy it, blink and you miss it, ha.

  3. I love all your inspiration post and the photos that come along.

    1. Awww, thank you I appreciate that. It's sort of my own version of "pinterest", LOL!

  4. I love this picture. It looks like a great place to sit and relax. I actually have some cedar outdoor furniture. It looks really nice out there. And I do sit on them sometimes. The thing is that when I do sit down for a minute, I see things that need to be done. And like the bee cartoon up a few posts, a gardener's and farmer's job is never done. So up I go and back to work. I do love my cedar outdoor furniture though. So do the cats. Now they can sit or lay there for hours on end and never move.

    1. I bet that is so true, I do the same from the porch. I sit and look at things and then think "hmm, I should do this, and that, and that over there" and then I get up and wander around. Oh well, ha. Love that your cats enjoy it as well. Lucky them!! :-)

      Thanks for stopping by!!!

  5. Love this. But, where are you? You haven't posted in a couple of days .....

    1. Hi! Thanks for the concern...hmmm, I had a post yesterday and this morning? Be sure and click on 'home' in case you are coming in from an old link. I try to post once a day at least, I'm behind in my comments, I've been at the farm the last two days and by the time I get back (as it is now!) I have been tired, ha. I'll catch up soon. Thanks again!!

    2. You are right, I was accessing from a different pc and that did not have the home link. Glad to hear from you. Sorry about the old job and good luck on the interview. Everything is looking great!

  6. I enjoy what you guys are up too. Such clever work and reporting! Keep up the very good work guys I've added you to my blogroll.


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