
Friday, June 1, 2012


My posts and replies the last couple of days have been limited, and for that I must apologize.  I have a reason though...I was laid off yesterday.
It was not a total surprise, the man I work for is considering retirement, but I thought that if it did happen, it would be later.

Sadly, it was sooner rather than later, and I was cut in order to keep things going for a while longer.

So I have to look at the positive aspects; I'm getting a bit of severance so that's good, I'm in an industry (insurance) that is pretty easy to find work in and I have 20 yrs experience doing it, but best of all, I'm going to be able to take some quality time and spend it at the farm...

 Lots of new pictures and hopefully some major progress soon.


  1. I'm so sorry. Will send positive thoughts your direction. Get that gardening time in, you'll decompress in no time!

  2. I am so very sorry to hear that your job fell thru. I know how upsetting that is because, like most folks today, I've been there. But I can almost guarantee that you will find something you like as much, if not more, and hopefully very soon. In the meantime, I hope you're able to use some of this time to get the farm closer to where you want it to be! My thoughts and prayers are with the two of you...

  3. Aww FM--I know exactly what you are going through. I am sorry :( But the positive as you stated is you will have time to work on the farm. Take time to smell the roses (or compost?) Thinking of you!! ((hugs))

  4. Hang on there! I hope you find something else real soon.

  5. I am so sorry to hear you've lost your job. Maybe it's time to write that book....and get an advance from the publisher! Hugs from me, too.

  6. 1st Man - Sorry to hear that. But looking at the positive - sometimes things happen for a reason - and you'll know inside what that reason is if you just take the time to sit somewhere quietly and dig deep :)

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your job but it's good that you'll be able to take some time to rest and do something you've wanted over the summer.

  8. Best of luck in getting back on your feet again (after a bit of peaceful farm days, of course - you need a little time before trying to jump back into another job!) And receiving severance should not have any impact on your receiving unemployment benefits, so that will be some help to you. Free hugs today - take as many as you want!

  9. At least now you have time to get the garden started this year! :)

  10. Well, I certainly hope all works out for you. Keep a positive attitude and enjoy the extra time you've been given to work at the farm. Best of luck to you!

  11. Tough times... love how you can find a Peanuts cartoon for almost every life event! sigh....

  12. i'm going to be the first to say that i am not sorry. i think all things happen for a reason. this will give you some much-needed time at the farm so that it isn't always rushing to and from and you will get to see what it's like to be there full-time. you may decide to work from home. you may decide not to return to the work force at all. whatever happens...a change is happening. and although change is scary, if handled properly change can be a really good thing. i think this is going to be a good thing for you! can't wait for the pics!!!

    your friend,

  13. One door closes, another one opens. Be well.

  14. I'm so sorry. But ya know what? There is always something better out there. And now seems like a great time to get some farming started. Like maybe get some farm animals. Like sheep. Every farm needs some sheep grazing peacefully in a nice green pasture. I love my sheep. I have 12 right now. They are so much nicer and quieter and easier that goats. Which I also have. And just spent the first part of my morning working for. I do alot of work for those goats. But I love them too. And they have good milk. But I do wish the best for you. And I love your blog. I can't remember where I first saw it, but you are now saved in my favorites list. I'll be sending some good thoughts your way!

  15. So sorry! But this may be one of those life moments that changes everything for the better. I am crossing my fingers for you.

  16. Aw heck fire bro. Just look at the opportunities to live a different life. Raise weed, rob banks, purse snatch. See there are positive cash-flow jobs out there. You just have to be willing to put in the hours. good luck.

  17. It happened to me several years ago and I left a job I had grown to hate and found one I love! Seems like the dips are just getting us ready for the heights.

  18. Sounds like you've already taken some time to weigh this out. Plant some seeds, spend some time, allow yourself to feel whatever needs to be felt, try your best to keep your head up, enjoy the sunshine on your back and the grass under your toes. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason :-) Know you're in my thoughts.

  19. So sorry to hear! I have been unemployed since graduating from college, and I must say... being unemployed at our farm has been amazing! I hope you are able to enjoy your sudden farm quality time. :)

  20. So sorry to hear this but I agree with Linda One door closes, another one opens! This may be one of those majoy life changing moments! Also being unemployed and living on a farm, you wil be soooo busy! :)

  21. Sorry to hear that, glad there is at least a positive spin that you can spend more time at the farm and I hope you get another job easily. I'm sure you will find plenty to fill your time with at the farm for a while now.

  22. My thoughts are with you, 1st Man. It's tough not to take it personally, but it sounds like you've got the right attitude. It can and likley WILL happen to us all at one point or another. Be productive no matter who you're working for. And since that person will be YOU for a little while...have some fun and enjoy doing what YOU want to do.

  23. I am so sorry to read that you have been laid off. I too have recently suffered a loss of employment. Like you, it wasn't a complete surprise as the company I worked for had been struggling. I try to look at it as a positive thing. I now freelance and work from home. I work hard when I have work and play in the garden when I don't. I figure freelancing brings in money to pay the bills. While gardening provides us food to eat.

    I hope you can take advantage of this time and enjoy spending it on the farm until the right situation comes along for you. Good Luck!


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