
Friday, May 25, 2012


More wall sconces
On my weekly lunch break trip to the thrift store, I scored some more metal candle wall sconces.  The large one is made to hold two tapers, and the smaller one to hold a votive or small pillar type candle.

As you can see, one is black, and the other is a brownish/rust color.  I think I might actually paint these, depending on what room I put them in.  I could paint one pale yellow or pink and put it in the guest room, or leave the black one as is and put it in the foyer.

Best of all?  Scored both of these for less than $3.  The large one was $1.89 the small one .99 cents.  Can't beat that!  And now we have a bit more alternative lighting and/or mood lighting.  Now if I could just find some oil lamps...


  1. well done ! you chose well because these are classy and not too ornate... (I have seen some in houses that make the place look like the film set of THE ADAMS FAMILY

    1. The little one was a bit ornate for my taste but the color affects that too it seems. I think it I paint it white or yellow it will have a unique look. But yes, I know exactly what you mean, I've SEEN some of those in the store and I pass them by for that very reason, ha.

  2. HA! I had exactly the same black ones in my old house in England. Well done - a great purchase.

    1. Ha, well, as beautiful as your home on the island is, I can imagine your England home was as well so I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks!! :-)

  3. oh my gosh, you always luck out on the best stuff. Nice find. I have something similar and I LOVE them. Have you lit them yet just to try them out? They're very pretty.

    1. Aww, thanks, I think it's just whoever is in the right place at the right time. Funny you mentioned lighting them, I did that (for the black one) last night. I hung it up (at our current house) and put some new candles in there and lit them. Surprisingly a lot of light, and looked very nice. Can't wait to find the perfect spot at the farmhouse. Check back soon, probably after this weekend, ha.

  4. i love the idea of painting the little one for the guest room - that will be beautiful! make sure to take pics of them when you set them up at the farm. i love the other two with the clock - they look great. excellent finds as usual but i expect nothing less from you!

    your friend,

  5. Fabulous finds! I love to find treasures such as these.


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