
Friday, May 4, 2012


 Tomorrow night (Saturday), there will be a sky watching treat as the moon not only becomes it's regular "full moon", it will also make it's closest approach to Earth all year.  It will appear in the sky to be much larger and up to 16% brighter.  When it lies close to the horizon, it appears even larger, something they call the "moon illusion".  This time around, with the moon at its closest point as well, it should make for some stunning photographs, and I hope to capture one or two while at the farm.

The full moon in May is traditionally known as the "Flower Moon".  It's also known as the "Full Corn Planting Moon" and/or the "Milk Moon".

Image courtesy of:
Click HERE for the fancy pants scientific explanation.

So go outside tomorrow night and look up at the sky, instead of down at the garden, and enjoy the supermoon!


  1. very interesting! i've planned to plant my corn and flower seeds tomorrow - seems like i chose a great day!=)

    1. That's kind of cool that it worked out like that huh? Maybe our ancestors knew a thing or two, ha. Good luck in your plantings, keep us posted.

  2. I arrived home late last night and I did actually notice how bright the moon was last night. I will have a look out tonight, now I know some scientific facts about it.

    1. Put supermoon into google and check out all the news sits. There is tons more info. I think I'll just look up and go "ooooh....pretty......" LOL!

  3. Should I be dancing naked under it?

  4. I am planning to spend a bit of time outside under this moon. The moon is one of my favorite sights, so I don't want to miss this one. Hoping I can get the Hubby to take some pictures for me, since I don't know how to make the camera work in the dark and he does.

    Frugal Living UK: You should definitely be dancing...naked or not is up to you. =P

    1. I'm hoping that my "dark mode" works too, I am the camera person in the house and I don't know how to use it, lol. Let me know how it comes out!!

  5. We were very excited for this but had full cloud cover and 4 inches of rain yesterday. Blah!


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