
Friday, May 18, 2012


When a day is gloomy, and things don't seem to be going right, this is the kind of thing that makes me smile.

Was sitting on the couch and I looked over at this...two of our cats (out of three) curled up together, sleeping soundly.  The black one, who is only visible as a pillow, is Sydney, a black and white Tuxedo who is almost 17, and the one with the comfy place to rest his head is Brisbane, who is about to turn 12.  I stared at this for about 5 minutes and it made me happy inside.  Such contentment.

Thank you kitties, nature's blood pressure medicine!


  1. Our pets can be such a source of enjoyment! Or a source of annoyment (that's not really a word, but it fits). Annie just got in trouble for pushing Otto aside and eating his dinner. You should have seen her eye roll when she was admonished! Priceless.

    1. I like 'annoyment', ha. I love the eyeroll story, I can totally see that happening. Poor Annie.... :-)

  2. Ditto what AG said, They drive me crazy at times but I wouldn't trade NOT having them for anything in the world. Glad you have those little fur babies in your life. And 17 and 12? You're doing something right!

    1. Yep, I've had pets almost all my life. A couple of breaks for a few years but I always end up with pets and I love it. I think they make OUR lives longer. Yes, they are getting old, but they are much loved.

  3. Thanks for sharing this. Made me smile too.

    1. Something about sleeping animals that's just so cute. I sat there wondering if they were dreaming about something...funny, as I type this, they are almost in the same position on the couch, sleeping again. Of course, that's what cats do best, ha.

  4. isn't it true that our pets can be so sweet at times and then other times they are just little b*ggers!!! i am glad that you are the kind of person who can get enjoyment out of something so little. if more people were able to enjoy all of life's tiny, little, special moments...the world would be full with much happier people. i love life's little special moments! and your "guard dogs" are beautiful!

    your friend,

    1. Yep, they get yelled at on occasion but more often than not, a few minutes later they are getting kissed and petted and loved on, ha.

      So true what you said, I believe that too, if we could all stop and enjoy more of those moments, it might be a better place. Thanks Kymber!!

  5. Awww! I love my fur-kids (most days when they are not being naughty)

    1. Funny how they can be naughty on occasion huh? LOL!

  6. awwww, how sweet :) i always relax with my furballs all over me and they really do make me smile every day :)

    1. I love when they climb onto me and curl up in the crook of my arm or around my head or along my back. They do make life much calmer (and I needed that the last couple of days, ha).


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