
Friday, May 18, 2012


Well, there is always something unexpected around the corner huh?

2nd Man had an accident this afternoon. Ugh.

The upside, he's OK, no injuries thank goodness, it wasn't his fault either and the other person has insurance, so that's all good.  The downside, the car is not driveable, so now we have to get a rental car and go through all that.  This will of course impact this weekend's farm plans as we were going to use his Jeep (much bigger than my car) for hauling some things out there and buying bedding plants and we will most likely end up with a smaller rental car.  He also may have to go into work tomorrow to make up for being out this afternoon.  Alas, posting and comment replies might be sporadic this weekend until I'm sitting in front of a computer, but I'll see what I can come up with.


  1. sorry to hear about the accident but at least he's not injured and other driver has insurance. since it was not his fault the other insurance has to cover rental car so you can ask for a jeep or a truck :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, cars can be fixed, harder to fix people. We asked for a jeep/truck but they were all 'out' being rented by others but they may switch it out for us this week if it looks like repairs will take time.

  2. I agree with Jenny on what she commented.


  3. i am so glad to hear that he wasn't injured...but i am sure that he was shaken up! i hope that he doesn't have to go into work tomorrow - that really sucks - especially after having an accident. please pass on my warmest thoughts to him. i am sorry that this is going to screw up your weekend at the farm. get out there when you can and just enjoy it anyway.

    your friend,

    1. Awww, you're too kind. He ended up working but he said it was quiet and he was able to focus so that's good. I was able to get my zen time at the farm, so that was good too, ha. Thanks again, you're very sweet.

  4. So sorry to hear that, but at least he is OK and that is most important. Shame you can't drive on your lawn mower instead, that would be much more fun.

    1. Ha, that WOULD be fun! :-) Thanks for the well wishes, much appreciated, you are awesome.

  5. Yuck...but I'm SO glad to hear that he is okay!!

    Frugal Living UK - I saw a movie once about a man who drove across the country on a lawn was the slowest, most boring movie ever, but it sounded like an interesting adventure...maybe Man 1 and Man 2 could do a re-make...:)

    1. LOL! Y'all had me laughing about that one. I could see that. 2nd Family said she's seen some people down at the little store down the road from the farm ride up on their mowers!! They take the mowing deck off and then it's like a little four wheeler of sorts. Too funny!

      Thanks for the warm thoughts. :-)

  6. Oh NO! So glad 2nd man is ok. Everything else is nothing as long as no one was hurt. This darn thing called life really jumps up and bites you in the arse now and again.

    1. It does doesn't it? Ugh. But all is well and a couple days after the fact it seems things don't seem as bad as they do the day of. Thanks!!!

  7. Thank heavens 2nd. Man is alright. That's all that matters.

    1. Thank you, you're always very sweet. Yep, this is all that matters. Thanks again.

  8. I concur with all above--especially the lawn mower remake, lol So thankful he was not injured and that is the most important thing. That call probably scared the bejezus outta you...ugh! Please pass on my best regards to SM. ((HUGS)) to you both!

    1. Thank you!!! Yes, it first came in as a text message. "Call me NOW, 911". Ugh. Scared the crap out of me, ha. I'll work on the 'remake', ha. Thanks again for being so sweet!

  9. Glad he's OK and that he has a great insurance agent to help him through things. :) Hugs.

    1. True dat! Ha. Thanks again for the hugs, much appreciated!!

  10. Ugh! Accidents suck! I'm glad to hear that it seems like the best case scenario for an accident though, being that 2nd Man is safe, not at fault and the other guy has insurance! I hope you two are being kind to each other and resting up as much as possible...scary things like that are completely exhausting!!!

    1. OMG they are exhausting huh? In all ways! yes we were nice to each other, ha, and we ended up having a good weekend for the most part. It seemed like a LONG weekend for some reason, ha. Thanks for the well wishes. XO back!


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