
Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Was driving around running errands and glanced at the outside temperature.  I about drove off the road!  Yes, that's 108 degrees.

So of course I immediately  thought that maybe it was off a bit.  I decided to check the weather on my phone.

iPhone showed the same, the outdoor temperature at that time of day was 108 degrees.  Maybe once I was home, I could check  the weather there and make SURE.  

So when I got home (city) I checked the wireless weather station I have that shows me the outside conditions (from a sensor mounted on the fence) and yep.
It was only 107.4.


With our humidity, the "feels like" temperature was over 110 (I think it was close to 115).
That's about all we can do.  Stay inside, drink lots of water and stay cool.


  1. O.

    I would just die. Seriously. Ha. How do your plants survive? I understand why you ran out of "season" to get your yardwork and garden done.

    Hang in there!

    1. Ha, I hear ya. Lots of water, or no water and just wait till Fall. Yes, we have a window of opportunity down these parts to get most of the outside stuff done before the heat sets in. I got the area cleared for the future garden site and then just had to stop, can't do the fencing yet, it's just WAAAY too hot. I might knock out a raised bed once or twice a month, but that's about it. Even transplants won't do very well because of the heat.

      Thanks for the well wishes, ha.

  2. Maybe I shouldn't complain that I had to put on a sweatshirt this morning. We've been running 10-20 degrees below our normal end of June weather conditions.

    1. Sweatshirt?? Sweatshirt?? We won't have sweatshirt weather AT ALL until probably November. Enjoy it!

  3. Ouch! That is some kind of hot! Don't send it here, please.

    1. I would never, but unfortunately, I think some of it is on it's way.

  4. It's coming our way this weekend...(sigh)

  5. Ugh! Anything over 80˚F has me uncomfortable working outside. I just can't imagine a humid 108˚F day! Try to stay cool.

    1. Humid + hot = don't do ANYTHING outside, ha. Yes, you just get soaked before you even get started, ha.

      Thank you!!! I'll try!

  6. ummm, it didn't rain today here. got almost to 75. still upper 40's low 50's at night... sorry.

    1. Ahhhh, how nice. We won't see that for months and MONTHS....enjoy, I'm jealous, ha.

  7. I'm with you hun. Heat index of 105 here today and I HAVE to be outside. Setting up a rummage sale to earn money for a mission trip next month. It's going to be one hell of a bad day.

    Stay in the A/C and have a margarita for me!!

    1. Ugh it right. Hope you were cool, or as cool as you could be. Stayed inside where it was cool and actually had a 'rita at dinner!

  8. When I got into my car yesterday at 2:30 p.m. my temperature gauge read 114 degrees. Holy Hell doesn't even cover it! I'm going to start bringing my lunches to work so I don't have to go anywhere! Thanks for confirming that I wasn't crazy. :-/ <3

    1. You weren't crazy, just REALLY hot, ha. Yep, I believe it. Isn't that crazy? Ugh. Thankfully the rain has "cooled" things off a bit.

  9. Oh dear...hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!!!

    1. Yes, I sometimes tend to forget about that, I get busy and then realize I'm parched. It's amazing how fast we can dehydrate. Thanks for the reminder!!


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