
Saturday, September 15, 2012


After the recent success of our first ever blog giveaway, and then our 500,000th page view, it got me to thinking.  The purpose of the first giveaway was to thank you, the faithful readers/followers/friends, for your support.  We had fun watching you enter and I'll have to admit, we felt bad that all those nice comments you left us couldn't let you all win, ha.

So, without further ado, we have decided to have a MONTHLY giveaway.
Yes, monthly!

We'll keep the rules the same.  When I post the contest each month, you must leave a comment and be a friend of the farm (follower).  One entry per person.  I thought about just randomly drawing a follower's name each month, but then I realized that someone might not need/want the book that we'll give away so they might not want to be entered automatically.  So, when I post the contest, the only way to enter each month will be to just comment and let me know that you want your name entered.  I'll make sure that you are.  If you forget to enter, instead of trying to find this post, the photo above will be on the side bar so that you can click on it to enter.  Tell your friends too!

Each month, because of our love of books (and large collection at the farm), we'll give away a book so you can start your own collection.  It will be a gardening book, or a cookbook, or a decorating/crafts book, the three things we enjoy and try share on this blog.  Since the last giveaway was a cookbook, this next one will be gardening related:

So for September, this will be the book.

It's the Reader's Digest Garden Basics book called "Slugs, Pests & Diseases", copyright 2007.  Expert advice on combating common garden problems. 128 pages long and has a lot of great information on all the nasty critters and diseases that can affect your plants.  It covers a lot of ornamentals, fruits, trees, bushes, veggies, flowers and more.

The contest will run for 2 weeks, until midnight (US CST) at the end of the month, at which time I will close it and then randomly draw a name sometime in the next few days.

Just check back after that and I'll post the name of the winner so that they can contact me to give me their shipping info.

As always, this will be open to everyone.

Thank you!



  1. Yes please enter me in the contest!Looks very informative.Oh thanks for the comment too on my blog!

  2. Pick me! Pick me! Yes, enter me in your contest after all I'm a faithful reader and I gave you that great recipe for eggplant.

  3. Well alrighty a monthly book give away. Don't enter me on this one but thats fun a monthly give away!

  4. Please enter me in the book giveaway! Love your blog - keep up the great work!!

  5. Please enter me :-)

    I hope someday I get as many followers as you and can do some sort of giveaway contest too!

  6. Please enter me in the book giveaway. :)

    Your blog is great!

  7. Oh, GOSH... what a super way to thin out the bookcase!!!! I should do that too! :-)

    Love your blog!

  8. Like many, I could use that book - lots of bugs and disease in the garden this year. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  9. I would love this book! Starting a new farm, this would be very beneficial to us.

  10. Just recently started reading your blog. Loving it. I could use the book.

  11. please enter me. I only have a couple of gardening books and could use some new addition, :0)

  12. Please enter me. I recently discovered your blog and have read every single post! I love it!!!!!

  13. Lucky for me that I found your site. I too have been working toward moving out to the country. Unfortunately it was cut short 3 years ago when my love passed away. So here I am now finding a way to make it on my own...with a little help from my brother who is now living with me :) It is so very nice of you to have a monthly giveaway. you have a new follwer.

  14. I want in! I want in! Love your blog thank you!!

  15. Hey FM,

    After the slugfest I experienced with my lettuce crop this year this book is calling my name!

    Much love

  16. Please enter me too! I an relatively new to reading your blog and love it and will keep reading every day.

  17. Enter me! Next year will mark our 3rd try at a garden! We would love this resource!

  18. Hope I made the deadline, totally forgot to get over here until now. Thank you, love the blog, enjoy watching your journey.
