
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This past weekend, I announced HERE that we had sponsored a pig for a friend's son in the FFA.  Well yesterday, we got the nicest card in the mail.  I died laughing when I saw that they had searched around until they found a thank you card with a pig on it!  His mother even wrote a note to us that made us both get teary eyed.

The note that T wrote inside was SO nice and very thoughtful and then he used this card to let us know that he is going to name the pig "SEDA", after the NAME of our farm!  More teary eyes, LOL.  What a wonderful young man they are raising.

Thanks T, now go raise a prize winning pig!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It'll be an exciting adventure, vicariously of course. I just have to remember, "don't get attached, don't get attached". ha.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep! I wish I could have posted the whole note but I don't want to embarrass them, they were very thoughtful and very emotional in their words so we'll keep that for us. But yeah, it definitely was an awww!

  3. that is such a nice thing for them to do! i am so excited by this new pig adventure - i am dying for pics and stats on the pig - bahahahahah! i am glad that they sent you a proper thank you for what you are doing for T!

    your friend,

    1. It was unexpected but very well received, ha. Yes, I'm trying to come up with a clever name for the updates. I'm thinking maybe every Saturday would be a good same day of the week.

      Thanks for stopping by as always,
      Your friend as well,
      1st Man


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