
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


 Here are some pictures of another view...the view from the porch, sort of in a panoramic form.  I stood in one spot and just turned each direction to take the pictures.  I like sharing the different views of the property.  Hope you enjoy!

Porch view
This is the view coming from the end of the porch by the mudroom door.  Exterior has not been painted and railing had to cure for 6 months before we could paint it so that will be a Spring project.  What you see from this direction on the house is the "front yard".  With the weather cooling down, my next project is cleaning out around that tree you can see there.  It's an old overgrown flower bed that needs to be redone.  I don't like square flower beds around trees, I prefer them to be free form and more natural.

Another porch view
Here is the next view, straight ahead from the rocking chairs.  That tree there in the background is another large mesquite.  I took these pictures a few weeks ago and that tree has since been trimmed.  You can also see the driveway in this picture.  Oops, how did the big green zen machine end up in the picture?  

Porch stairs
This view is looking toward the front steps.  Beyond the birdhouse pole, in the distance, is the site that I've been slowly clearing in preparation to fence in and make into the raised bed garden area.  I just have a couple of small "trash trees" left to remove so I finally have a blank slate and then I can start building the raised beds.

Porch stairs
And last but certainly not least, this is the view looking toward the other end of the porch. That door at the end is the front door, that goes into the foyer.  Those stairs on the end head off toward Barnabas the party tree and the side and back of the house.

Hope you enjoyed the mini tour of the porch!


  1. now come on lets see you sat on the porch like grandapa walton

    1. He is to busy always working and doing stuff to sit still! I wish we lived closer because I would bribe him to do work for me, haha

    2. Now don't age me to Grandpa Walton just yet, LOL!

    3. Tonya, I'd help if I could but I'd probably be worn out, ha. But we could cook some fabulous meals!! ha.

  2. It just looks so peaceful and pretty. I'll bet your blood pressure drops considerably every time you sit in that rocker and gaze out over your *kingdom*.

    1. Amen Granny! It is peaceful, now I just need to sit and relax more often, ha. My "kingdom". I like it!!! ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, they are nice but they also make me sit there and go "hmm, that needs to be trimmed, and that needs to be mowed and that needs to be watered....."

  4. Looking at your pictures I've decided that there's an easy way to tell who's rich -- he (or she) who has a porch!

    1. Aww, that's nice. I like that. Rich in peacefulness definitely. ;-)

  5. Beautiful! I love porches, both front & back, depends on where the sun is setting!

    1. Unfortunately this doesn't face in either of those (it faces more or less South) but I can see it from either end. This porch is 10 feet deep and 36 feet long so it's like a whole outdoor room. Not decorated yet but that can come later. The rockers are old but serve their purpose for now, ha.

  6. Love the views from your porch! It looks so peaceful.

    1. Thanks! It's very peaceful and I love it, but I just need to stop more often and enjoy it, ha. :-)

  7. hi! thanks for stopping bymy blog! i love yours too and signed on to follow! i will add you to my sidebar too. i can't wait to follow your progress! joyce

    1. Yay! Thank you! Love your blog by the way, it's awesome. I need to update my sidebar as well, I'll do that this weekend. Thank you for commenting and stopping by. :-)

  8. I'm with John, still haven't seen you sitting on that porch!

  9. Nice Porch. I envision a lot of sitting to happen in the years to come!

    1. Hey stranger, you've been missed! Yes, I need to remember this is hopefully the forever place so there will be time to stop and enjoy the view, ha.

  10. The perfect place. Really. I'm going to love seeing the transformation over the coming years..

    1. What a sweet comment, thank you! You might see it morph into something that resembles things you have done, or as close as I can do myself, ha.


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