
Friday, October 12, 2012


Relaxing in the shade
While I was mowing recently, on a hot day, 2nd Family's horse was in the back pasture.  This is the one closest to our house and as I went up and down the driveway, she kept a watchful eye on me.  It was probably because I had given her a couple of apples as a snack earlier in the day and there was always the chance I had more.

It was hot (high 90's day) so she decided to watch me from the inviting shade of this Mesquite tree.

"More apples?  I'll venture out.  No apples?  I'm staying right here!"

Smart horse...


  1. when i trained race horse, i always stuck carrots in my back pockets. the horses would push me to turn me around and pull the carrots out of my pockets. smart animals!

    1. Now that's a neat story! They liked those carrots huh? ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, I never fancy myself a photographer by any means but I do like when they come out ok, ha.

  3. Horses are not really that smart, more so they are lazy. Not unlike myself. Unless the apples were covered with brown sugar and whipped cream I probably wouldn't budge either.

    1. Ha!! Amen to that, LOL! I might move for the brown sugar and whipped cream too!

  4. They are so stinkin' smart! Mine now actually knows the difference between me yelling "apple" and "carrot"! She'll hurry walk for an apple and trot for a carrot!

    Great picture - if it was a little more into autumn, it would be cammoflauge, right? :)

    1. Thanks, another comment on the picture! That inspires me to keep taking them. Great story about the carrot and apple. I'll have to try that with this horse, try to teach her the difference. :-)


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