
Friday, November 16, 2012


Thought you might enjoy this "moment", captured (in town) through the back door window.  Poor GiGi, the indignity of it all.


  1. Possums are not really nice, your cat was lucky she didn't get bit.

    1. I've never thought about that. They seemed to get along, but it was a baby possum, maybe it didn't know any different. I had a run in with a raccoon once and that wasn't nice, ha.

  2. We had a family of two possums living under our house and they got along with our cats. They would all eat lined up in a row. Now I have heard raccoons can be dangerous and aggressive. I think I read somewhere that they are one of the cleanest animals too. - Kay

    1. Thanks for the comment. I did some research and read that they are very clean and cannot carry many diseases that other animals can so I guess that's good. I mentioned a raccoon encounter once, had one of those in the back yard and I went outside to scare it off and it just stood there watching me make loud noises and then he started coming toward me. I ended up running inside ha. I'm guess possums probably are terrified of us so they just run off or pass out, haha.

  3. She was such a good sport about it! I had to share my strawberries with a field mouse this morning. I was going to chase it off, but my husband said "That poor little thing has to eat too!" Which made me feel mean, so I let him eat. Of course, *he* is probably a *she* and I'll soon have a big family of field mice feasting on strawberries. It was kind of cute, sitting in the strawberry patch. I can just imagine the sweet, red juice on its little face, LOL!

    1. Now THAT'S a cute story. You are a just like me. I see a cute furry face and resistance is futile, ha. You did the good thing (sounds like Mr Granny is a softy too, I'd so be just like him). ;-)

  4. Replies
    1. I know, it's definitely an aww moment (though maybe not so much for Gigi, ha).

  5. thats a possum right? We don't have them in Northern Canada, the cat doesn't seem like much of a threat, looks a bit disgusted, lol,

    1. Yep, it's a possum. They are not the most attractive animals but I think they seem to be a bit scared of us. Gigi, not so much haha.

  6. Possums are good to have around. They eat those big waterbug roaches we have down here in South Texas. They eat slugs that decimate some of my big leafed plants. Possums also eat my dog's dog food if I leave it out at night. They aren't the prettiest animal and they tend to stink but they're just trying to make a living.

    1. Yes! I have heard that. Roaches, bugs of all sorts. Never knew about slugs, that's a great idea. I also read that they rarely have fleas and don't carry diseases. They just look creepy,lol. Like you said, just trying to make a living.

  7. Oh my word...reminds me of 15 years ago when we had some living near our 2nd floor apartment. There were 2 babies that followed the cats in the cat door and ate dinner in the kitchen. We named them Seamus & Fiona O'Possum and fixed the cat door so they could not come in again. The cats did not seem to mind them, I think they just thought they were pitifully ugly cats. And grabbing them by their tail does make them play possum so you can put them outside, but I would not want to tangle with an adult possum, long sharp teeth and nails.

    1. OMG, too funny (now in retrospect, right?). I love the names by the way. I've seen a possum or two come back through lately and there doesn't seem to be any aggression they all get along for the brief time they are here scavenging for food. They do keep the bugs down and I'm ok with that. You are a brave woman for grabbing them by the tail, I have visions of them twisting around and biting, ha. Fully grown they can be kind of scary looking for sure.

  8. Gigi is a gracious lady to share her bowl!

    1. It was all a facade, deep down she was really annoyed, LOL!!!!

  9. Wow! That is amazing. Gigi didn't move but she does have that "annoyed" look in her eyes. LOL!

    1. She never moved. Even after the possum finished eating the leftover food, she just slept on the table. But she DEFINITELY was giving that possum "the eye", LOL!

  10. Oh my goodness! Right at the door! Hope you don't have a cat door!

    1. No, thankfully no pet door. I can't imagine having one of those running loose in the house, ha! *shudder*

  11. We always have possums, raccoons, skunks, and squirrels outside our back door all the time, in season of course. Never bother the cats, but I do not allow any kittens out around them. They focus on the bird feeders but expect leftovers all the time. We have a cat window which is safe from all but raccoons, so we have to be vigilant and close the window with its little metal door although we sometimes allow a hungry Fred (the generic raccoon name) to feast on Meow Mix for a bit. We do not feed cats outside the house.

    I find possum rather handsome at a distance.

    1. No cat door here, so we're not having to worry about that. You know, I think all the animals are kind of cute, yes even the skunks. Not that I'd want to run out and hug one, but they are all cute. What can I say, i'm a sucker for anything furry, ha. "Fred"? I've never heard that. Cool! I'm going to start keeping my eye out for a Fred or two, ha. Thanks for the comment!!


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