
Thursday, November 15, 2012


Firepit with seating, photo courtesy of:
This is dream of ours for the property.  I found this picture last year and loved it.  I have plans for an in ground fire pit and I already have the spot picked out.  I just need inspiration and when I saw this, I knew this could supply it.  I can come up with the in ground portion (have a great idea for that actually but more on that when the project starts) and then I just need a clearing, some nice chairs, landscaping and sand/gravel.  Not that much work huh?  LOL!

Seriously though, I really like this, and it would make a nice feature somewhere on the property.  Nothing nicer on a cool and/or cold evening that sitting around a blazing fire.

Today is my blog day off so I hope you have a good day and we'll chat at you tomorrow morning!


  1. Oh that looks so beautiful and inspiring. It would definitely look great on your property...and what a nice peaceful and relaxing setting - PERFECT! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wonderful inspiration Thursday post, as ever.

  3. I am always falling over... so a fire pit , in our house would always be a nono!
    ( burnt arse!!!)

  4. i love this design! i use my firepit all the time. if you want the best ham recipe ever, check out the one on my sidebar. it is killer good, cheap and easy. there is rarely any left when i make it.


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