
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Blue and white dresser decor
Quick post today, I have about ten errands to run before work, at lunch and after work and oh yeah, I have to squeeze work in there too.

Here is the silver tray I found a few weeks back at the thrift store in its new home.  We put it on the dresser in place of the white bowl.  In fact, when I posted about the dresser after it was redone earlier in the Summer, there were a couple of comments suggesting a silver bowl/tray of some sort.  I had been patiently looking for one and I think this one worked out just perfectly.

Oh, and there is that blue glass vase that I found on the same trip.  It might not stay on the dresser, but for now, it adds a nice splash of blue color.

The blue and white bedroom is slowly coming to fruition.  Yesterday's surprise gift will fit perfectly in the room (and above is the earlier one as well).  I love it when a plan comes together, slowly, but steadily.

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