
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


OK, I just have to post something that made me laugh.
There is so much sadness in the country, I think we could all use a smile.

Now let's just hope this is JUST a funny and that's all, LOL.


  1. Now that's cute and funny. You're right, we need something to laugh about. I had almost forgotten this Friday is 12/21/12. Seemed like ages ago, and now it's here. Crazy. thanks for the laugh. Becca

    1. Yep, it's hear. Me too, I remember when the millenium was a big deal and it seemed like it would be ages away when I was young. Then it came and went and not we're 13 years beyond. Phew, where does the time go? Maybe the Mayans just got tired of making days on the calendar, ha.

  2. Omy gosh... that's VERY funny! Good for your newspeople!

    1. Yeah, it's pretty cute and original thinking that's for sure. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Yeah, lets all come back here Saturday and have a sigh of relief, ha.

  4. Gave me a Wednesday morning chuckle. XX

    1. A Wednesday morning chuckle is good for the soul huh? LOL!

  5. suddenly I hear very dramatic music playing in the sound track of my life...much like would play on every cliff hanger episode of every great show from my youth.

    cheers :)

    1. LOL, I TOTALLY hear ya. I'm also reminded of the opening to Lost in Space when I was little, and there was a freeze frame and a countdown with dramatic music. Loved it!

  6. Yeah, I just don't get it. How is this going to happen anyway? And what time? Hmmm... And that's HOT, y'all!

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure either. A time would be nice huh? Midnight? Is it like New Years, it's a different end of the world in different parts of the world? Ha.

      And it sure felt about that hot a couple of summers ago, ha.

  7. Very cute blog! I love it. Also thanks for the seeds of the month idea! I had no idea what to get my mom for Christmas and this is definitely perfect.

    1. Well, first of all, THANK YOU for stopping by and leaving a nice comment like that. YES! Seeds of the month are a great gift and they are the gift that keeps on giving, each month for a year. If your Mom likes to garden, it's a great idea for sure! Thank you again!


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